Friday Fill-Ins 2011.06


And…here we go!

1. The only question is will things ever go back to the way it was between them.

2. I’d like to visit a zoo, eat ice cream, enjoy + play in a part all in one day.

3. Three things on my desk: my digicam, my mobile phones + notebooks.

4. Mail some postcards is the one thing I HAVE to do today!

5. I love playing with my son whenever I got the chance.

6. Hersheys’ Reeses overwhelms the senses.

7. And as for the weekend, tonight I’m looking forward to updating my blog + catching up on my backlog, tomorrow my plans include doing my son’s laundry if the sun permits and Sunday, I want to hopefully visit my parents’ grave finally after almost two months of failing to do so + get out to get some fresh air!

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    1. Hershey’s currently came out with an ice cream variety with Reese cups in it! It is bliss! You should taste it 🙂

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