Although we are not celebrating Thanksgiving in our corner of the world, there is really no reason for me not to be thankful for all the many blessings I received.
For my little man, who never ceases to bring a ray of sunshine into my life. I will never be the same without my little tot + I will always be eternally grateful to the All for giving him to me.
For my siblings, whom I know I can always count on, no matter what, am sure Mama + Papa are looking down from heaven, smiling at us. Thank you
For my PMC family, there has been a steady outpouring of blessings ever since I became part of this group + I couldn’t thank them enough. It was such great pleasure seeing a lot of you again.
For anyone who’s been nice to me in one way or another, you know who you are + I thank you.
So, to everyone celebrating Thanksgiving + even to those who aren’t, Happy Thanksgiving! 🙂
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