happy thanksgiving everyone!

Although we are not celebrating Thanksgiving in our corner of the world, there is really no reason for me not to be thankful for all the many blessings I received.

For my little man, who never ceases to bring a ray of sunshine into my life. I will never be the same without my little tot + I will always be eternally grateful to the All for giving him to me.

For my siblings, whom I know I can always count on, no matter what, am sure Mama + Papa are looking down from heaven, smiling at us. Thank you

For my PMC family, there has been a steady outpouring of blessings ever since I became part of this group + I couldn’t thank them enough. It was such great pleasure seeing a lot of you again.

For anyone who’s been nice to me in one way or another, you know who you are + I thank you.

So, to everyone celebrating Thanksgiving + even to those who aren’t, Happy Thanksgiving! 🙂

image from https://www.thinkstockphotos.com

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