pagerank updates!

This week ought to be a good week, I am waking up each day to little surprises here + there. The other day, I woke up to an email telling me I won goodies from a giveaway I joined a few weeks back, will post about that once I got the items :). On Monday, I woke up with a message on Facebook telling me I won this cool angry birds plushy.

Today I was tinkering on my blog hoping to make a quality post before the little man wakes up. I was also simultaneously browsing on my Facebook timeline to know the latest on several groups that I belong. One of my mum friends posted about Google updates + that she was delighted to find out that her blogs now have higher pr’s.

I rarely check the pr for my blogs since I get disappointed whenever I see that it has not improved whatsoever from the usual “0” rank {apart from my giveaway blog in blogger, which is pr2}, my fairly new travel blog still has an “N/A” pr 🙁  So you can just imagine my surprise when, upon checking, I learned that Jared’s blog is now pr1 + this mum blog is now pr2! Woot! I guess the giveaway sponsorships + the bloghopping did the trick. It probably also helps that I get to update the blog regularly now, albeit, even twice or three times a week.

Now, thank you’s are in order. First + foremost, to you, my dear readers, who take a minute or two from their precious time to browse through what I have written here so far, for leaving your beautiful comments that I always look forward to read {it is the first thing I check whenever I log on to my dashboard each day :)} + for putting my blog in your blogroll, too.

I just got this new domain name a few months back, courtesy of the ever-generous Mommy Rubz, who sent me a PM just to ask me if I’d want to change my domain name {it was back then – a domain which I also won from one of her giveaways!}, since it is actually raising confusion. I originally planned to transfer Jared’s Little Corner from blogger to this domain, thus the domain name, but the plan did not push through as I was having second thoughts giving up the old blog in blogger. So, I ended up creating a new blog especially for this new domain, thus, the birth of my mum blog, but I was stuck with the domain name. It was her  who also told me that I’d get my pr back in no time {mumwrites is pr1 at that time}, + true enough, I got my pr back + more, after a few months of building new links + painstakingly trying to blog as regularly as I can. Thank you, Mommy Rubz for your generosity, I cannot say thank you enough. I owe you much 🙂

Now, am thinking of ways to keep the pr + hopefully improve it further the next time the updates approach. I am planning to be active with my own meme, NKTYW, again, as I have not posted one in months, I think. Maybe, more participants will be enticed to join, now that they will be linking with a pr2 blog, what do you think?

Hopefully earning opportunities will also come my way + another giveaway or two, perhaps? Oh, am just so excited. Now, I am more psyched to get up early in the morning + work on my blogs. I just hope you are just as psyched to read my blogs, too 🙂

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1 Comment

  1. Whew! See how we can write and not minding the total number of words at all in a single post? That’s the wonder of Page Rank! 😀

    Congratulations to your PR2 Mommy Vix. Way to go! 🙂

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