winners of thanksgiving coupon + cash giveaway

Thanksgiving Coupons and Cash Giveaway

Here are the winner’s of the Thanksgiving Coupons & Ca$h  Giveaway Event:
1st  prize of $200 and one 5pack of coupons – Melissa Spiegel
2nd prize of $100 and one 5pack of coupons – R. A.  Anthony
3rd prize of $50 and one 5pack of coupons – Gloria Schumann
4th prize of $50 and one 5pack of coupons – Sue Peterson
5th prize of $50 one 5 pack of coupons – Jennifer Landers
6th prize of $50 and one 5 pack of coupons – Sara Tullos
7th prize of one 5 pack of coupons – Ginny71
8th prize of one 5 pack of coupons – Quanda
9th – one 5 pack of coupons – Amanda Starr
10th  prize of one 5 pack of coupons – Lisa Weidknecht
Congratulations + looking forward to sponsoring another giveaway like this 🙂

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