christmas gift ideas for children #3: a day at activefun

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There is nothing the children would want more this Christmas {aside from loads of toys, I guess} than a whole day of playing + having fun! Playing builds their character as well as develop their motor + coordination skills. Apart from that, for bigger kids, mums can catch up on her me-time {by probably watching a movie, going to the bookstore to buy stocks for her crafts or postcard collecting hobby, or have a mani-pedi, too!} whilst her little ones play. So, it’s like hitting two birds with one stone really.

+ what perfect way to do that than in Activefun! My little man has been there a few times + he enjoys + love the place every single time ^_^ .

christmas gift ideas, christmas, kids, children, toddlers, play

What I love best about the place:

  • loads of play areas for the little ones to choose from ~ you can try swimming in the balls or jumping at the trampoline. One of our favorites is the slide for the little one.
  • the super-friendly + highly-qualified staff ~ rest assured that they will take care of your darlings whilst you’re away
  • a very kid-friendly playing area ~ it is very safe, even for two-year olds like my Jared
  • a clean facility + mind you, the comfort rooms are exclusively for kiddos!
+ now is the best time to buy your Activefun voucher from Metrodeal. For a limited time only you will get a P500-worth of voucher for only P175! That is just a lot of savings, right? + you even get a delicious snack of Soyami Soya Chips, drinks + ice cream to go with that!
For this Christmas, give your little ones the gift of unlimited play + am sure they will love you loads for it 🙂
I was not compensated for this post. I am merely sharing online deals + gift ideas that might be useful to other mums like me. Views + opinions are solely my own.

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