The New Year indicates a clean slate + a new beginning + is teeming with endless possibilities. Whether you meant to be slimmer, or fitter or healthier this year, it is actually all up to you to realize that goal + make it to reality.
I wanted to usher in the New Year with fun, surprises + more happiness, that is why, mumwrites partnered with a host of other blogs to bring you A New Year…A New Me Giveaway! Be $100 richer or a lucky winner of Sports Authority Gift Card at the end of this month only by joining in + liking Facebook Pages + Google+ Pages! This giveaway is easy-peasy + it will be facilitated by Rafflecopter, which made it even more simpler.
To join, simply click on the badge to get to the giveaway page or join here by waiting for the Rafflecopter widget to load. Contest officially begins on 24 January {EST} + is open worldwide.
Good luck + cheers to a new you this new year! 🙂
a Rafflecopter giveaway
i hope i remember to join this!!! haha 🙂
do join, sis Ri ^_^
joining the giveaway… 😛
thank yo for joining, Bev, + good luck ^_^