boxing my christmas tree

christmas tree, home

I did not get around to boxing my christmas tree just yet + I did not get around to posing much of its photos here, so I am making the most of my free Sunday afternoon {the little man is having his late nap, much thanks to the cold + gloomy weather :)} to post some of the images I took of our tree last month.

christmas, home, tips + tricks

christmas, home, tips + tricks
this was the only photo i took of the gifts under our tree

Here are a few tips to remember when putting away our trees:

  1. Clean up the tree + all the decorations before putting them away
  2. Seal your box or containers so bugs and ants won’t get to your tree
  3. Group your decorations in separate boxes
  4. Label your boxes accordingly
christmas, home, tips + tricks, purple
i am loving my purple stars 🙂
We ought to take good care of our tree + store them properly, as well as all its decorations, so we can recycle it for next Christmas, just imagine the considerable amount of money you will spend if you are to buy a new tree each  Christmas? As for me, I just wish I will be inspired soon enough to box mine before the month ends. In the meantime, I plug the Christmas lights at night to keep the little man entertained 🙂

Life and then Som

Am sharing my purple star with Crazy over Purple Saturdays, which is making a comeback this 2012. Sharing this with Colorful Weekend, as well 😉

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