nice to know you wednesday + another giveaway

Nice To Know You Wednesday

Time again for another Nice To Know You Wednesday + I am just excited as I have found a gold mine of interesting questions online which I cannot wait to share with you here! 🙂

Here are the first 5 questions for starters:

  1. Grab the book nearest you + find page 28, what does line 3 say?
  2. What is the last film you saw?
  3. If you could eat lunch with one famous person, who would it be?
  4. Is the glass half-empty or half-full?
  5. Where were you on Valentine’s day?

My answers:

  1. The nearest book I have on hand is Sophie Kinsella’s Mini Shopaholic + page 28, line 3 says: heels, the other ones.” She’s still reading out loud, her…
  2. The last film I saw was Cars 2, just downloaded it last Sunday for the little man to enjoy + boy, did he!
  3. I would have to say Oprah Winfrey, I used to love her when I was younger + I missed watching her morning show, Oprah.
  4. The glass is always half-full, I would love to look at the brighter side of things, always.
  5. I was at home, watching all those cartoons with my little man on Valentine’s.

It is your turn to share your interesting answers to this questions. Check out the mechanics of this game here

But, wait there is more! All the participants are qualified to join in this week’s little raffle. Don’t forget to check out the Rafflecopter widget below. Nice to know all of you + good luck ^_^

a Rafflecopter giveaway

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    1. I am glad you enjoyed the questions, hopefully i can come up with more interesting questions next week. Thanks for joining + good luck on the giveaway ^_^

  1. Joining the blog meme, but not the giveaway to give chance to others. 😀

    I am yet to read another Shopaholic book. I only read one book but I liked it.

    1. that is so nice of you my friend..i fell in love with the Shopaholic books when I was pregnant, it was an enjoyable + fun read. I am now trying to complete my collection 🙂

    1. my little man is so engrossed in the movie…we’ve seen the latest Chipmunks film in the cinema last december, + boy, Jared had a great time watching! 🙂

    1. thanks for finding the questions interesting, i hope you will join us every week, am trying to revive this meme, see…i will see if i can have another giveaway next week…thanks again + good luck 🙂

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  3. Pingback: Nice To Know You Wednesday | Odyssey of Curvy Jane

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