It is that time of the month again to say thanks to everyone who’ve been visiting here on a regular basis. Know that I look forward to reading all your comments, it was the first thing I check, in fact, whenever I log in to my dashboard. +, boy, don’t you just make my day! Thanks so much for stopping by + so without further ado, here are my top 10 commenters for the month of January:
Baguio City (9)
Jessica Cassidy (5)
Leah H. (4)
Diva Fabulosa (3)
Jonathan (3)
redamethyst (3)
sionee (3)
AJ (2)
bev (2)
c5 @ (2)
+ as usual, as a token of my appreciation, the top 2 commenters’ badge will be up on my sidebar for the entire month. Baguio City + Jessica Cassidy, kindly send in your badge codes. Thanks so much + hope to see you again here soon ^_^
Good to see those names. It’s nice to be included on your list.
Visiting you from BC Bloggers.
Happy weekend.
Ooops I’ve just seen this. Glad to be part of this list. Will be checking out your latest posts.
glad you stopped by, thanks for the comments + am looking forward to reading more ^_^