nice to know you wednesday #12

Nice To Know You Wednesday

Before anything else, today is International Women’s Day, so I am giving a shout out to all the mums + all the wonderful women out there! 🙂

Now, time again for another round of Nice To Know You Wednesday questions, sorry that I am posting it a day’s late as my PC is acting up on me again + I wonder whether I really need to get a new one {I just hope not, since I cannot afford it just yet :(}

Questions of the week:

  1. Which store would you choose to max out your credit card?
  2. Do you touch-type?
  3. Is there anything going on this weekend?
  4. What time do you get up in the morning?
  5. Are you a morning person or a night owl?

My answers:

  1. 1. It will probably be a choice between a children’s apparel shop, like Big + Small, Co. or Osh Kosh B’gosh + I don’t think I can resist hoarding on books + postcards at the bookstore, either! 😀
  2. I seldom touch-type as I have learned the art of typewriting {yep, with my fingers stationed at the home keys, or ASDF keys, all the time} in High school, plus it is faster to do in the right way, too!
  3. I shall be checking out Expo Kid with the little man this Saturday, it is the first time we are going + I am so looking forward to it. I just hope it won’t rain + Jared’s mild cough will go away soon.
  4. I normally get up at 2.30 in the morning, my son requests for milk at the time so I automatically wake up the sooner he says “mum,” it is also ideal to get some online work done while the little tot is fast asleep 🙂
  5. I have always been nocturnal + really had loads of trouble waking up early, it was only when I became mum that I managed to wake up real early in the morning to tend to my baby + for some reasons, the habit is stuck!

I cannot wait to read your take on those 5 questions, do link up with us + visit the other participants {if any participated, at all!} too. Check out the previous Nice To Know You’s + the other badges here 🙂

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  1. am joining! am joining!

    i miss this meme..antagal ko ding nawala..hehehe..

    i’ve checked your post about the event this weekend, and am getting envious.. ;( hope you enjoy sis..

  2. joined your meme for the first time 😀
    hoping this will be a regular thing for me…heheh

    nice to know you ! 😀

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