of mum + little man’s day out + mmr

mmr, vaccines, children health, parenting 101
Jared showing off his Mickey Mouse adhesive band

Mum + the little man braved the afternoon sun yesterday for another day out. We went to his pediatrician for his second dose of MMR immunization shot. I would’ve put off our appointment for a much gloomier day, but his vaccine shot is really way behind schedule + he was supposed to have it last month but his pedia was out that day + we had to postpone for the next week.

MMR is an immunization shot intended for measles, mumps + rubella {or the German measles}, which is usually given to children around the age of 1. A second shot, which is given to ensure the production of immunity, is usually administered  before starting school {normally between 4-5}.

He was his usual excited self when we stepped out of the house, making sure to check out the stray cat that was taking refuge in the parked car in the garage. He was walking on his own but I decided to carry him instead so we can get out the scorching summer sun the soonest. We are in his pedia’s clinic in about 20 minutes + had to wait for a few minutes more for our turn.

Jared’s weight was the first one they checked when we arrived + the little man is now weighing a whopping 21 kilos, which probably explains the constant ache in my back + other parts of my body, after carrying him for   some time! The doctor also listened to his chest + back using the stethoscope. + I am glad that he is all clear. Jared was having a mild cold recently maybe due to the weather, am only glad it is not turning into a full blown cough + cold episode!

A pedia appointment is never finished without tears, especially if it was for another immunization shot, + indeed, the little man was crying the moment he saw the syringe but was smiling again after a few seconds. He also played with the Mickey Mouse stuffed toy the doctor handed to him when he blurted “Mickey” {in his own words, of course :)} + bade him goodbye {with a kiss} right before we head out the clinic.

Apart from our pedia appointment, we also did some errands including buying some items from the grocers + making a quick stop to the post office to mail some of mum’s postcards {which I shall post on my travel/postcard blog in a bit :)}. Not to mention, stopping by Jollibee’s statue beside the groceries to say hi + hello to Jared’s favorite character.

We do enjoy going out a lot, there are plenty of cars + other things to see on the road + the little man is enjoying it to bits. I bet he is looking forward to our next day out which is happening this Saturday.

Meanwhile, we are spending the Friday afternoon resting, the little man taking his nap, in fact, and mum checking out Payday Loans online for an article she has to write soon. + not to mention, enjoying the Mickey Mouse band-aid, the doctor put on Jared’s arm. We took some photos + are keeping the cute little thing in our scrapbook as a memento. 😉

So, what have you been up to lately?

Look for baby coupons for savings on health items.

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1 Comment

  1. i have to check din pala Iris immunization..parang may 3rd or 4th na kami for her HepB..
    hindi ko na na momonitor..
    This post reminds me..hheh..thanks mommy!

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