saving up for my child’s school tuition

Like my parents before me, I am putting stock on good education to be my son’s ticket for a better life in the future. Call me a forward-thinker or just plain worrier, but this early I am already worrying about his school tuition + other school-related expenses. I am un-employed, after all, and school fees are sky-rocketing they’d be way too exorbitant by time am sending Jared to high school, I wonder how am I suppose to afford them!

I guess it will be best practice to put up a savings account for those future expenses as early as now, which I did exactly, + although there is no way I can save up to a million pesos at the rate I am going now, I am only glad that I am doing something for my child’s future + hopefully, I’d be able to start adding up on that saving real soon.

For those of you mums out there who have yet to open an account for your little ones, maybe you can try out this new plan Insular Life is offering specifically for your children’s educational needs. The plans do sound promising + I might just consider them if I haven’t opened an account for Jared earlier on. Here’s more from their press release:


motherhood, pareting 101, money talks, money matters, children educationparenting 101, motherhood, children education, money talks, money matters

Celebrating 101 years of unparalleled and continuous service to old and new generation of Filipinos, Insular Life remains to be the largest Filipino life insurance company. With its Direct Marketing plans College Provider and Sure Cash for Kids, you are assured of a secure future College Provider is a 5-pay educational plan that provides a college cash fund for your child at age 17. It also provides a life insurance benefit for your child equivalent to the college fund until he reaches age 21. On top of this, College Provider has a built-in waiver of premium payments, wherein the policy will be considered fully paid should the parents or the payor meet an untimely death or suffers from total and permanent disability. The policy will then provide a pre-college cash allowance equivalent to 10% of the face amount until age 16 to finance for your child’s elementary and high school education.

On the other hand, Sure Cash for Kids is a 5-pay, 15-year savings and investment plan for your child that offers guaranteed yearly cash payouts and lump sum cash benefit with built-in life insurance protection. Yearly cash payouts equivalent to 10% of the maturity value will be given from the end of the 5th policy year to the end of the 14th policy year amounting to 100% of the maturity value. A lump sum cash benefit equivalent to 100% of the maturity value will also be given at the end of the 15th policy year. Your child is also covered with a life insurance protection for 15 years with the face amount increasing to 200% on the 4th policy year up to the 15th policy year.

We ought to make saving for your child’s education a top priority + preparing for it now can save us from possible financial woes in the future. To know more about their College Provider and Sure Cash for Kids plans, contact Insular Direct by:

  • calling 878-1818 local 5403 or 892-3171
  • send an email


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