a visit from the fairy hobmother

giveaway alert

I have read a lot of those fairy visits in the other blogs I frequent + wished that this fairy will pay me a visit one day soon! Fairies are one of my absolute favorite mythical creature, + I bet most of you do too. The child-at-heart in me will never outgrow the wonderful stories of fairy dusts, flying + magic! That is why I am very thrilled to find out that The Fairy Hobmother has also found his way into my mum blog {yup, he is a he! ;)} + has left me a gift so that I can get something for myself + the little man at Amazon. Am thinking of those washing machines or anything that would make doing household chores easier, but I’d really settle for a nice book or an educational toy that Jared will absolutely love! 😉

Oh well, thanks so much Fairy Hobmother for this wonderful treat + if you mums out there would like a visit from him, do not forget to leave your name, e-mail, + url in a comment below. The Fairy Hobmother is looking for more bloggers + who knows he will be sending fairy dust your way real soon, too! 😉

By the way, the fairy hobmother has also paid my other blogs a visit, so hop on to my travel blog + Jared’s Little Corner + get a chance to grab those fairy dust, too!

fairy image is not mine

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  1. wow! i’d be delighted if that “he fairy” could cast a magic on my site. too 🙂 this looks interesting.

    btw, twweted and g+1 this post of yours, vix.

    have a lovely wednesday…

  2. awww, lucky lucky you!!
    hope he’ll visit my site soon, over at My bric-a-brac!
    my email add is: yosh (dot) luis (at) gmail (dot) com
    …hope the Fairy Hobmother is reading this! 😉

    thanks for posting!

  3. oh my, when will he visit me?

    I have been following every blog post my friends have made for him but I can’t seem to catch him:( hope he visits my blog: https://www.zowanderer.com

    I will be very happy for my coming birthday if he does.

  4. wow sis! It’s a blessing to be visited by Fairy Hobmother! I hope he’ll visit mine too and spread his blessings as I’m desiring to surprise my parents on their 32nd wedding anniversary this month:)

    I followed you Hobmother at twitter: @genejosh

  5. Very intriguing! This is the second time I hopped into a post like this. I wonder if Fairy Hobmother will pay a visit on my blogs, https://lifeascending.info/ or https://eytozee.net/.

    how I wish he will sprinkle some fairy dust and leaves a magical touch on it. oh Fairy Hobmother, you are very welcome to my blogs.

    it’s me Yannie and you can contact me at dapy17(at)yahoo(dot)com …. I’ll wait for you 😉

    1. he is a very generous guy who hops around blogs giving gifts. do leave your details, he could be on your way real soon! 😉

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