When you become a mum, you adjust so that your body can function full well even with only a few hours of sleep, or from time to time, with no sleep at all. I guess it was inevitable + it does come with the territory! You manage your household, you cook meals, you take care of your little ones + oversee their early childhood education, you allot a few hours each week for yourself, if you get lucky ~ there is just too many things on your plate all at the same time, you hardly have enough time for all of them! Sometimes you would even find yourself working from the wee hours of the morning or until the wee hours of the night just so you can get most things done. Sounds familiar, right?
Oh well, I’ve had my fair share of good days + bad. When my son is sick I can hardly sleep at all. During a good day, I was off to snooze land even before the little one closed his eyes! When Jared was only a few days old + on our first day from the hospital, I did not sleep a wink the entire day just to make sure he won’t disappear when I close my eyes! I treasure those precious moments! 😉
Lack of sleep is something we can endure only for while, it can be detrimental not only to our physical glow but also to our over-all health as well that we ought to really get those zzzz as much as we can + whenever the opportunity rises. So how do I manage to get enough sleep with a toddler in tow? Here are a few nifty tips I thought you might find helpful:
- I need all the energy during the day to keep up with the home chores + my energetic little boy, so I really need all the sleep I can get + one great advice I got from my sister is to sleep whenever the little man is asleep, that way I can catch up on my zzzz. So I try to doze off myself whenever my little man turns in for his late-afternoon nap!
- Toddlers have a knack at fighting off sleep during the day + even at nighttime, so whenever I fell like I am getting sleepy myself, I’d usher the little man to our room, give him a bottle if he asks for one + turn off the lights. Once the room is pitch black, notice how your little one fall asleep immediately. It is a fool-proof trick! 😉
- To make the most of your sleep time, massage some calming oil before going to bed, or lit some aroma candles. You can also invest on one of those plush luxury linens so you will be sure to have an enjoyable sleeping experience.
Okay, am off to dreamland now while my little man is sleeping, if you’ve got any ideas for a better sleep? Don’t forget to drop me a line on a comment below, right? 😉
images are not mine
I guess children of all ages are creatures of habit. I made sure there are no toys and tv inside the bedroom, only books for bedtime reading. When we hit the bed, they get their own books for me to read to them and after that, a short prayer, and off to sweet dreams. And it’s just the way it is until now. 🙂
i love that routine. i also wanted to make a habit of reading to my son before he goes to bed, but recently he’d rather play with his toys that touch his books. i hope it is just a phase, he used to love those books! i am also teaching my son the habit of praying + just recently he’s just develop the habit of clasping his hands together whenever i mention the word. 😉