let’s celebrate august {a giveaway!}

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In spite of the recent catastrophe that struck the nation, I believe there are still numerous reasons to celebrate this month of August, including the people’s solidarity in times of disasters + the Filipino’s never-say-die spirit, as well as our never-ending desire + capacity to help out those who are in need, evident in the selfless rescuers’ aim to rescue as many people as they can + the volunteers’ goal to reach out to as many victims of the calamity as they possibly can.

I personally have so many reasons to celebrate this awesome month of August. It is our birthday month + even our blog, Jared’s Little Corner, is celebrating its 2nd anniversary. I am also celebrating the recent admission of my Musings on Meanderings blog to Payu2blog, as well as the birth of my new blog, Mum Eats! I really am thankful for all the wonderful blessings + would love to share this with our dear readers in a little giveaway.

3 lucky winners will get one of the following prizes:

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a Human Heart Nature Kids loot worth Php500 from Jared’s Little Corner

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a mum loot  from mumwrites + mum eats

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paper loot from Musings on Meanderings

This giveaway is easy-peasy! All you’ve got to do is accomplish the task at the Rafflecopter widget below to qualify. Kindly take note that each task is Mandatory + you have to finish each + every one of them in order to qualify. This giveaway is open to anyone who has a Philippine shipping address + shall run for the entire month of August. The lucky winners will be drawn using Rafflecopter by 08 September.

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The prize from our previous giveaway, Top Commentators Giveaway shall be included in the mum loot as no one was lucky enough to get it! I am sure one of you will get it this time around! 😉

This giveaway post will be up on all my blogs, including mum hearts giveaways,  but you only need to join once. That’s about it! I hope to see your entries + have a wonderful August everyone!  Good luck! 🙂

a Rafflecopter giveaway

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  1. im on fb as desiree reilly goggle same
    ttter as desitheblonde

    i could use this for the new one coming soon and then found out we are having another one soon coming
    deis the blondea t msndot com

    1. hello Liza, you have to comment with your twitter id, name + email address, as well, to qualify. thanks + good luck! 🙂

  2. name: Abigail Sy
    twitter id: @abbysy11
    facebook idL gayle sy
    e-mail: abigail(dot)sy(at)chartisphils(dot)com

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