Cleaning Up After the Holidays

Blog Photo Challenge, #fmsphotoaday, home, home chores

It has been more than a week since we bid goodbye to 2012 and to all the hoopla that Christmas and the New Year celebrations bring. It is now time to clean up and tidy up after the holidays and don’t you just find that rather tiring? Blame it on the weather or on the fact that I’m back to my old routine of burning the midnight oil to update my blogs that I am rather sluggish and lazy when the morning comes.

I have not done much of tidying up lately. In fact the tree is still up and I am just asking the little man for permission to put it and all its accoutrements away. Of course all the gifts under the tree has long been opened and used, save for these two lonely packages whose recipients failed to pay us a visit for the holidays. Am going to have to put those away, too, maybe safe keep it so that I can give it to my godchild the next time I see him or find other use for it somehow.

I know am going to have to muster enough enthusiasm to box the Christmas tree and its trimmings sooner than later. I intend to use them for a longer period of time, so storing them properly is of utmost importance. I will put the balls, the lights and the flower decorations in separate boxes before I seal it away in a big brown box.

Anyway, I have managed to snap a photo of our tree, including some of the gifts under it  just before they went to their respective owners and I am sharing that with you today. The Girbaud and Sanuk gift bags are mine, gifted by Jared’s dad on our anniversary! ^_^

How about you are you done cleaning up after the holidays?

My 6th share for this month’s Blog Photo Challenge and for #fmsphotoaday.

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  1. …since we bid goodbye to 2013? To 2012, you mean? Lol.

    Anyway, cleaning up after the holidays is fun when I was growing up because I had lots of sisters to do the cleaning. Now that I am a mom, it feels like a drag na. LOL.

    Thanks for linking this to BPC!

    1. that’s what i meant, sis! thanks for pointing it out. it sure is a drag, but i don’t think anyone will call the police just because i put off putting the tree away for another week! 😀

  2. i can’t relate! hehehe… i did not put any Christmas decorations this year because we just moved to a new place and sadly, there was not enough budget for a Christmas tree, and because we know that our little boy will just take it down… literally! hehehe… hopefully this coming December. Anyway, we had the real Christmas trees last year all decorated with snow… 🙂 bpc hop here (6th).

  3. I hear yah Sis 🙂 cleaning up is tiring indeed 🙁 I am glad that the family help me take down all the Christmas decorations which helps the clutter so fast 🙂 Dropping by from BPC 🙂

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