I received this book from Booksneeze some time ago but I did not get the chance to post a review about it soon enough. This is quite a good book and am sure mums out there would love to add this to their little libraries at home.
Heaven is for Real for Kids in a nutshell
Colton Burpo was able to experience something that few people have in this life, he was able to see Jesus and visit heaven during an emergency operation when he was 3 years old. His vivid story about the different characters he was able to meet in Heaven, including the people with wings, the angels, the animals and Jesus Christ himself, is what prompted his father, Todd, to write this book in the first place.
Here’s what’s written at the back of the book:
a three-year old boy…
a miraculous trip to heaven…
and a very important message for kids…
Jesus really, really loves children.
And he really, really loves you!
Colton saw Jesus Christ and his great-grand dad in Heaven
Colton shares kid-to-kid what it is like to be with Jesus, what heaven looks like, and who you will most likely see once you get there. He answers elementary questions like whether there are animals in heaven or how tall the angels were. This book is based on the New York Times bestseller, Heaven is for Real, this time it was told from Colton’s perspective. This book will show kids, through beautiful illustrations and first-person storytelling, that heaven is indeed real. The book also offers children comfort and assurance that heaven is a happy place, provides parents with a guide for talking with their kids about heaven, as well as includes Scripture references and a Question and Answer section, too. It even includes current photos of Colton for the readers to see.
Dear God,
Heaven sounds so wonderful! I pray that YOU will be with me as I grow and learn more about YOU.
Please forgive me when I mess up. Help me to be loving, kind, and forgiving. I want to follow Jesus in all things.
I love you, Lord!
In Jesus’s name.
About the Author
Todd Burpo is a pastor of Crossroads Wesleyan Church and a volunteer fireman, and also works with a garage door company. His wife, Sonja, is a children’s minister, busy pastor’s wife, and mom. Colton, is an active 12-year old who enjoys football and music. he has an older sister, Cassie, and a younger brother, Colby.
Wilson Ong, who did the colorful illustrations in the book, on the other hand, spent nine years as an art teacher and attended the Art Students League of New York and has exhibited his work nationally and has garnered various awards.
Mum’s two-cents
What I love about this book is the kid-friendly manner of story-telling it, something any kid of any age can easily relate to and understand. The concept of heaven is complicated as complicated gets especially in the eyes of a child and this book makes this concept much easier for the little ones to understand. The colorful illustration also lends an even more child-friendly air to the book by making the story more interesting for children. Colton’s down-to-earth vivid narration also allows for parents to teach the kids about the concept of heaven and God’s love with ease. This is a must-read for every family with children! A beautiful bedtime story, too.
You may purchase the paperback copy of Heaven is for Real for Kids, and it’s grown-up edition, Heaven is for Real, on Amazon for only $10.19 each:
I give this book 4 dog ears! ^_^
I received a free copy of this book for review through BookSneeze®.com. However, views + opinions on this post are 100% my own.
booksneeze has a new policy now sis. they will deactivate your account if you don’t request a book for review in a period of 90 days, better work on your review now so you can request for a new one! 🙂
I have a copy of this book (the original) and it gave me goosebumps, really. Colton’s innocence and honesty is enough to strengthen my faith in God and heaven!
This is a very interesting book for the kids. I am investing in books for Keisha though there’s already kindle and e-books, I still prefer the traditional ones.
Looks like a nice book for kids. I’ll keep this in mind and buy this when Gwen gets older and can appreciate these kind of books.
ohh that’s a really nice book for my boys! where is it available and how much?
I’d love to have a copy of this book to strengthen my son’s belief in God and to make him realize that God is real.
looks like a great book! Ykaie already has a prayer book but I think she will love a book like this …
Such a great book for kids which can strengthen their faith to god.
that is so true, hopefully more mums will read this to their children.
I wonder why they called their company BookSneeze? Looks like a very interesting book to read, full of lessons to learn.
probably because they give out books like they sneeze them! i think the name is catchy, though! it sure is an interesting read for children.
Looks like a great book, kids will surely love this because of the colorful illustration..
even I fell in love with the beautiful drawings 🙂
oh my sis.. thanks for this post it reminded me that I have a book to review as well from booksneeze ^.^
booksneeze has a new policy now sis. they will deactivate your account if you don’t request a book for review in a period of 90 days, better work on your review now so you can request for a new one! 🙂
That sounds like a wonderful and a touching story. I want to read it for me, then I will read it to the kids 🙂
there is also a grown-up version of this books! 🙂
I have a copy of this book (the original) and it gave me goosebumps, really. Colton’s innocence and honesty is enough to strengthen my faith in God and heaven!
This is a very interesting book for the kids. I am investing in books for Keisha though there’s already kindle and e-books, I still prefer the traditional ones.
same here, i do not get e-books for my little man as i would love for him to read the printed page when he is bigger + enjoy the whole experience!
I would want a copy too! I’ll see if I can find this book here at our nearest bookstore or online!
or probably you can also sign up at booksneeze.com sis! 😉
Looks and sounds like a great book for kids to be reading. I love that it is teaching kids about God and how he loves us. So wonderful!