Homeschooling Jared: All About Numbers + Counting

I taught the little man the concept of numbers as soon as he was old enough to appreciate them. At almost 3-and-a-half, he now distinguishes the basic numbers and would readily point at different numbers he can see from the most ordinary objects, like the electric fan and the telly. I also make sure to point out different shapes in things we see around whenever there’s a chance. I even invested on books and toys that promotes shape-sorting and shape recognition.

I have been toying with the idea of homeschooling Jared and have actually checked for sites online for homeschooling resources. One of my best finds will have to be I downloaded her Cars-themed shape printables last year and asked my sister to print it. How the little man loved it! He easily learned about the different shapes with the aid of his favorite characters and readily agreed to match the cards with the same shapes in them.

1+1+1=1 is a goldmine of homeschooling resources for toddlers and school-aged kids, too! I’ve downloaded other printables too and will be introducing them to the little man as soon as he shows interest.  😀

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