One of my mommy blogger friends, Levy, posted this 52-week money challenge on Facebook in January and since I really plan to build up my savings this year, I asked her if she can email me a soft copy of the spreadsheet so I can print it out as my guide. The print out now hangs on the wall beside my workstation and I am glad to note that I am up to date with my weekly savings, which I temporarily keep in this red envelope until I have enough to open a savings account for myself, since the only bank account I have at the moment is my Union Bank EON account. I wanted to open another one where my savings will all go. {Update: I have since saved a considerable sum so I deposited it to the little man’s BDO savings account}
An opportunity for a regular online job is looming and I am hoping I’d be able to keep up with this money challenge through the extra money I will be earning. If you’re planning to save this year, too, you might want to give this challenge a shot. You can also multiply the weekly amount to the number of people in the family that you want to save up for. I am planning to make mine two, for me and the little man, if my wallet will afford it.
Shout outs to Mommy Levy for sending me the spreadsheet! :heart: