Out + About On A Weekend

We’ve been cooped up at home the past few weekends because of the downpour, that is why we set to go out this Sunday and make the most of the sun. We headed to my parents’ house to visit my sister. It has been ages since we have been here and despite the clutter, I really miss this warm and familiar place I call home. My sister, Isabel, recently quit her job so she’s staying at home for a considerable number of hours each day. Although I wished for her to land a new job soon, I also hope she will find the time to get some cleaning and fixing done around the home! ^_^

It has also been awhile since we visited my parents’ grave so we wasted no time and headed to the memorial after a few hours. My son always enjoys our visit here. That is why even when he was cranky and very sleepy, he did not fail to run and explore around. He was also very willing to have his photographs taken and gamely posed for the camera.

After an hour, the little man was urging all of us to go to Waltermart. I did tell him yesterday we are going to watch the movie Turbo with his titas today. Apparently, we are a bit pressed for time if we will be watching the movie, since it was already late when we get to the mall. We just decided to eat dinner at Greenwich.

After a few errands, we all agreed to go home and called it a day. The little man enjoyed going out and spending some of his boundless energies. Even when it is such a hassle, I do enjoy taking him out instead of staying at home all day Sunday, glued to the telly. Hopefully we can do this again next week.

How was your weekend? I hope you had a fruitful and enjoyable one like we did! ^_^

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