A Call + A Challenge To Conserve Water

conserve water now

Imagine, if you’re so thirsty but when you tried to get water from the faucet, you just squeezed a drop. Can you cook without water? Can you keep a good personal hygiene without water? In short, can you live without water? If you answered NO, then you must act now.

Recent studies showed that the Philippines is facing a water crisis over the next 10 years unless new sources are developed to meet growing demand.

“There is a [Japan International Cooperation Agency] study that says that in 2025 if we will not conserve water, there may be some problems. But of course we can always start conserving now and look for other sources,” said Edgar C. Lopez, Philippine Waterworks Association president.

“Groundwater in the Philippines may be depleted by the year 2050,” a University of the Philippines professor said in a report based on a study that started in 2006.

“The Philippines is one of the countries in Asia Pacific that is facing an imminent water crisis unless steps are immediately undertaken to improve water management,” according to a study by the Asian Development Bank (ADB).

The country is facing this unfortunate reality and we are not supposed to ignore it.

In line with this, a group of communication professionals and graduate students from the University of the Philippines Open University (UPOU) is pushing a social marketing campaign to encourage the Filipino families in water conservation. They aim to create massive awareness on how important the discipline in water consumption is and what would be the worst scenarios if the Filipinos failed to act now.

The group is also hosting a Conserve Water Challenge 2013, encouraging the participants to share their creativity in presenting water conservation tips and how they implement it in their daily lives to lower their monthly water bill. A participant can make use of video, photo collage or blogs. The best entry and the one who will prove to have lowered their water bill by applying the water conservation tips they have presented will win P5,000 cash! There are also 10 consolation prizes of P500 worth of water bill. The submission of entries is until September 15, 2013.

For more information about the Conserve Water Challenge 2013, follow them on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/ConserveWaterNow and on Twitter: https://twitter.com/conserveh2onow

Water is Life. Conserve Water NOW before it’s too late.

Mum’s thoughts

Water is one of our basic need and we must all strive now to save it before it is too late. Do join the Conserve Water Challenge 2013 to share your unique ideas on how to save on water and learn of other ways on how you can do the same. It is high time we take it upon our hands to conserve resources that are available to us now, not only for our children but also for their children. 

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  1. It’s a no brainer that water is one most important thing in human life. We can’t live without it. We can conserve though if we want too, many ways to do it.

  2. Like what mommy Rose said, water is vital. We need water inorder to survive and live. Without it, we won’t make it. Our little town back in Kansas is also suffering from water crisis and they always issue water conservation especially during the summer months where it gets so hot and dry the the river runs low. Gotta learn to conserve.

  3. I absolutely agree with what you have pointed out in terms of water usage and how we should all act now. We tend to over step ourselves and take things for granted. Only to realize its value until it is lost. We can’t afford to not have water so we all should do something about it. Great post!


    1. aww! that is too bad! we experienced the same problem before. we also had a leak in one of our outdoor faucets. i was shocked to get the bill of 900 pesos, when we would just normally pay Php200 or less for our monthly water consumption!

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