I am glad that even when I do not have a regular job and online opportunities for my mum blog is getting scarce since Mr. G took away my pr, I still manage to save up for the little man’s simple birthday celebration at his playschool. I was able to save up Php7,000 from last month’s work, which I thought was just enough for the party I have in mind.
It was Jared who gave me the idea about his party’s theme while he was playing with his minion toys one day. He said he’d put the minion on top of a cake and proceeded to singing the Happy Birthday song. When I asked him who’s having a birthday, he answered “Jared,” so a light bulb flickered to life in my mind. Minion birthday it is! 😀
As early as the first week of August I was already busy creating my birthday party checklist and scouting for items both online and off that I thought I could use for the party. I have also scoured a lot of minion-related Pinterest boards and got tons of ideas from them!
A minion cake and a bunch of cuppies were on the top of my list. Fortunately, I do not have to look far to find the perfect cake maker. I ordered Jared’s sweet birthday treats from the local shop Just Sweets and even the little man was delighted with his minion cake! 🙂
As usual I commissioned my brother to make the birthday invites, the banner, as well as the thank you stickers which I used to lock my loot bags. He printed the stickers and the invites, while I have the tarp printed in a local bookshop a day before our party.
I made my own loot bags from yellow colored papers I got from the bookstore and put these printed minion eyes I got from another Pinterest board, for finishing touches, and viola! I now have my very own affordable and cute minion bags! I filled them with these minion toys I got from an online shop on Facebook and these minion felt keychain I chanced upon at a local mall in our city. I also added a couple of scented colored pens that I am sure the kids will love!
To make our celebration more fun, I planned some fun activities for the kiddos at playschool. With my sister Cel’s help, we cut these create-a-minion cut outs for the kids to make and I printed a number of minion color pages for the children to color. I also got those printable page online.
Minion stuff are rather difficult to find, so for our piñata, I diy-ed a minion one out of a 100-peso-plus Spongebob piñata I got from this Divisoria-like shop I discovered at Maunlad Mall {thanks to sis Jhona, one of the mums at playschool, for graciously offering to accompany us there}. I also bought 6 stationery set for boys and girls as prizes for our party games there. Bel cut out a yellow colored paper for the minion body of our piñata, as well as a blue colored paper for its cover-alls, and pasted a couple of these minion eyes print outs to create our very own minion piñata! We filled it lollipops, candies and chocolates for the children to enjoy at the party.
For the food, we just ordered one-piece chicken/spaghetti meals from Jollibee. I opted for pineapple juice for the kiddos, too.
Here is the summary of my expenses for my son’s party:
- Food {for 6 kids and 10 adults} ~ Php 1,829
- Cake and cupcakes ~ 2,490
- Loot bag {minion felt keychain Php180/minion toys P230/scented pens P60} ~ 470
- Prizes ~ 300
- Piñata ~ 110
- Tarpaulin ~ 90
- Candies for the piñata ~ approx 200
- Coloring printables ~ 50
- Invites and stickers ~ 100
- Balloons ~ 100
Total ~ Php 5,739
On the day of the party
We were in the playschool earlier than usual to get the balloons and the birthday tarp set up. I am so thankful that Teacher Kai’s assistants, Ate April and Ricca, were both very supportive and helpful. It was evident in my little man that he was so excited for his celebration. He busied himself by playing in the play area while we took snaps of him and while waiting for his teacher and classmates to arrive.
Soon after, everybody is ready to celebrate the little man’s birthday. They began with the usual round of songs and by making the Create-a-Minion activity we’ve prepared. Afterwards, they proceeded to color the numerous coloring pages that got Gru, the girls and the lovable minions in them. After a while, it is time to party and it started with everyone singing a happy birthday song for Jared and lighting the cake for the little man to blow. We then served the Jolly meals for the children to eat and enjoy!
When it was time for the games, the boys were not too keen to participate so Teacher Kai decided it was time for the little ones to enjoy the piñata. Jared had a blast pulling the strings and giggled at the sight of loads of candies dropping down! The children had a wonderful time picking up candies and treats after another. Even when he is not yet interested with candies, this is the part that Jared enjoyed the most. In fact, he wanted to do it another time. I just wish we set aside some candies to give the piñata another go! 😀
My little man, along with his little guests are all smiles at the end of the party. It was evident in their big smiles. They also enjoyed the loot bag that we doled out after the activities. So all my efforts and work are all worth it. Seeing my son happy is my ultimate goal for this party so I give myself a pat on the back for a job well done! :heart: My heart-felt thanks go out to Jared’s teacher, Kai for allowing us to have here party at the playschool and for playing as the party host. Big thanks, too, for our lovely minion cake! :laugh:
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Hello mommy Vix, I’m glad you joined bpc! Hope you’ll join me this month! We have the same kids age. I love how you throw a Minion party on your son’s birthday! This is so cool! I bet he had a blast with his friends. 🙂
I really wish I can finish this month’s challenge sis Mel, am so waaay behind! Time to make those post + catch up! 9 more posts to go! 🙂 Thanks so much! I just discovered recently that I love planning + preparing for chidlren birthday parties, they make me excited + giddy like a little girl! I am really glad that my little man + his classmates enjoyed the party we prepared! 🙂