Mum Inspires: My To-Do List For Today

quotable quotes, mum's thoughts, mum inspires

I do not remember when I first saw this shared on Facebook, but I just thought it was a perfect to-do list in any given day and is just most ideal to share with you all!

Starting our day by counting our blessing and giving thanks to all the favors and grace we received is the best way to go about it, not to mention the most sure-fire way to receive more blessings!

Practicing kindness sounds more like an advice my late Mama will give me and my siblings that is why I make it a point to practice it whenever the opportunity arises and to pass it on to my little one to always be nice to his playmates and to everyone he meets along the way.

Letting go of something we cannot control is really easier said than done, but if you think about it, if we let go of something we have no control over, we are actual relinquishing it to the universe as if telling God to be in charge.

Listening to your heart ought to be on your daily to-do lists, as it never lies and would always lead you to the right path.

Being productive and calm at the same time might just be to much to ask, especially when you work around a very rowdy child 24/7, but it sure works to remind ourselves to be calm as much as we can.

May the day present you with more opportunities to be inspired, to know yourself and to live life to the fullest. There might be hills to climb, deadlines to beat, or in my case, a toddler to outsmart, but as our to-do list suggests, in the midst of all of it, do not forget to just breathe…. :heart:

image is from Facebook

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