Mum Inspires: There’s Always A Rainbow After The Rain

mum's thoughts, mum inspires, quotable quotes

In the midst of what happened ~ the aftermath of Super Typhoon Yolanda, the heart-breaking images of our suffering kababayans in the Visayas region, the unnecessarily delay in sending government help, the outpouring of help and support from people all over the world, the images of modern-day heroes trying to do their part, it sure is very easy to agree that there is a silver lining after every tragedy, a message that a rainbow after the rain greatly implies. Apart from being a beautiful sight in the sky to behold, a rainbow is also a lovely reminder of God’s wonderful promise all those many years ago and it now serves as a beacon of hope for everyone! And the images of the people slowly trying to pick where they left off before Yolanda struck is such a good news, especially to those who have painstakingly followed their situation through the daily newscast and social media updates.

We are fortunate to have this long overdue out-of-town trip earlier and look at what we saw on our way back. This is actually a twin rainbow, but the other one cannot be seen from this angle. I was so excited to show this to the little man who obliged me by taking a peek at his side of the window. It sure is an inspiring scene to behold that I cannot wait to take a snap. Oh and did I mention that old tune from South Border was playing in the air when we saw this? Coincidence? 🙂

Let us bear in mind that there will be many rains and storms to trudge in this life, but just a rainbow is sure to appear after each rain, believe that you will be given the strength to overcome each and every obstacle, just keep the faith.

I hope you had an equally inspiring Thursday!  :heart:

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