Shop For All Things Kids At This Year’s Kids Craze Warehouse Sale

shopping, Christmas gift ideas, Christmas, children products, children toys

Christmas time is upon once more and if you are looking for the best place to shop for branded yet affordable toys, apparel and shoes for kids, there is no better place to visit than the Kids Craze Warehouse Sale. They have opened the Warehouse sale in November and will continue this December 1, 5, 7, 8, 12 until the 22nd between 9AM-6PM during weekends and at 1PM-6PM during weekdays and Fridays at #34 Scout Torillo corner Scout Limbaga in Quezon City.

They have popular kid brands like Barbie, Chicco, Hotwheels, MegaBloks, FisherPrice, Vtech and a whole lot more. Most items are up for sale at 80% so it will truly give more value to every mum’s shopping money and will enable them to buy more toys than they originally planned to. I am sure mums will find a lot of great Christmas gift items for their kids loved ones from the place, too! I have always wanted to check it out ever since I learned about this warehouse sale but have not had the chance to do so, hopefully we can do it this year if our schedule and pocket will allow us. Am eyeing the MegaBloks toy as the little man is currently taking a liking to those building blocks, which I am sure will work wonders for him.

Jared's nook, Jared, children toys

Incidentally, RichPrime Global Inc., the company behind the Kids Craze Warehouse Sale, was also one of the businesses who participated in this year’s Blogapalooza. I got a  sample pack of their Moon Dough from the event and the little man was more than excited to try it out. We poured the molding dough onto his tray and he quickly went on to make these cup-shaped molds. 🙂

For more information about their warehouse sale and the products they carry, you may contact RichPrime Global Inc through:



first image is from Richwell Club Facebook Page

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