Mum Finds: Cute Animal Food Picks

bento tools, mum finds, products

We went to Robinson’s Place last Friday after the little man’s playschool class. We ordered his fave food from Chowking for takeaway as we planned to eat at home. After queuing for a few minutes and waiting for our orders to arrived, we ventured to the mall’s second floor to check out Daiso. We’ve only been to the mall for a couple of times and we have not been able to check out this shop. I know I aimed to be more frugal this year so I am actually avoiding to frequent places when I know I will end up spending $$$ and I have been successful so far. I have not bought anything unplanned or out of my shopping list for almost a month now and I guess it is time to reward myself with a little something for the effort!

True enough, while browsing through the racks of displays in Daiso, I chanced upon these very cute animal food picks which I have been wanting to have since last year. I quickly got a pack as it will be a great addition to my bento stash that I plan to put to good use once the little man goes to big school this coming school year. I have been eyeing to get this set as Jared really loves animals and I am sure he will enjoy using these picks. A pack of 10 picks, in lovely animal designs like giraffe, zebra, panda amongst others, sells for Php88.

Daiso is a treasure trove of really cute stuff that is why a trip to this place at any given time is such a treat. They also have lovely Hello Kitty and Twin Stars items, as well as beautiful jars in interesting designs. As for me, I am getting the kawaii lunchboxes next time.

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