Take Advantage of Kumon’s 2-Week Free Trial

announcement, freebie alert, education, tutorials

Kumon is something that I’ve always wanted for the little man to try. They have this individualized teaching format that I am sure my son would benefit from. I would love to enroll Jared in reading, as it would really be ideal for him to learn how to read soon. We have inquired last year, but backed out of my plan to enroll Jared since he was still a lot younger then, plus his pedia recommended that I look for a playschool where my son can get plenty of interaction with kids his age, which I did. For this year, though, and in preparation for my little on going to big school in June, I would like for him to give Kumon a shot and hopefully he enjoys it and learns from it.

I know a number of mummy blogger friends who enrolled their little ones to Kumon and got good results. That is why when sis Jobelle, Kim’s mum {one of the little man’s former playschool playmate}, told me about the latest Free Trial in Kumon, I did not hesistate to give them another visit to inquire.

I was told that for me to avail of the 2-week free trial classes I have to attend their parents’ orientation first. Here in Malolos, it was scheduled on 08 February at 12.30nn. I was told that I will receive an SMS a day before reminding me of the orientation so am marking my organizer for that.

If you plan to enroll your little ones to Kumon, I suggest you try their Free trial first and see if your children will enjoy it. For registration and further information, contact Kumon through the following:

:computer: ph.kumonglobal.com
:cell: 0917-542-0385
:phone: {02} 885-0226 {Makati Office}
:phone: {032} 236-1307 {Cebu Office}
:phone: {02} 921-9363 {Quezon City Office}

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