Mum Inspires: Slow Down

mum's thoughts, mum inspires, quotable quotes

We live in a very fast-paced life, with one too many things trying to get our attention all at the same time. It was easy to go with the flow, be consumed by what we consider the norm and drag ourselves chasing after the kind of life society is dictating us to lead. But it would really do us good to slow down a bit, to pause and smell the flowers, so to speak.

If we are not hurriedly living our lives, we will find that we will have enough time to actually experience life as it unfolds before us and to actually take notice of things that matter the most, like how our little ones’ faces lit up upon seeing us whenever we pick them up from school, or how our beloveds try to make housekeeping easier for us by cooking our favorite dishes whenever they have the time, and a host of other things that might otherwise be left unnoticed because we are too preoccupied with what we thought actually counts.

Life may be short, but let us make this our inspiration to live a life that counts, to live a life of value, thereby making the most of the time given to us however short it might be.

Have a lovely day mums and let’s continue to find inspiration in the mundane and ordinary!  :heart:

image is from Facebook

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  1. I really need this quote as my academic life seems to be in a busy and fast pace track. Gosh maybe all I need is to relax a little and be calm. I hope I can be more inspired.

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