5 Heart-warming Mother’s Day Gift Ideas

I know that if my own Mama was around, I would really give her something extra special for Mother’s Day just to show how much I appreciated all her love and affection and all her support and efforts while raising me and my siblings. Being a mother is no easy task and it is only now that I have a child of my own that I fully understood why mums do what they do. To celebrate Mother’s Day, we will be visiting our Mama at the memorial and offer flowers, candles and prayers for her. I know that she will be happy looking down on us from the heavens as we remember her everyday, especially on the special day for mums.

Most people will be luckier to have their mums around on Mother’s Day and I do hope they won’t waste the chance to tell and show their mums just how much they love them. Love and appreciate them while they are around. And while you are at it, here are 5 heart-warming gift ideas that I am sure your mums will definitely enjoy:

  • Give her a bunch of flowers ~ I am sure your mum has a favorite flower so go ahead and make her feel special by giving her a bunch of these flowers. You can either give it in a bouquet, a lovely glass vase she can display in her table or in a beautiful pot, which she can add in her collection of pots in her pocket garden.
  • Give her a pot of herbs and spices ~ most mums love to cook and would definitely appreciate and find it sweet if you get her pots of herbs and spices, instead. I know I’d really be touched to receive this gift on special occasions. Not only will they make interesting decorations in the kitchen or at home, they will also be most useful for when mum cooks her specialty and the family’s favorite dishes. You can check out a local nursery and get an assortment of herbs like rosemary, thyme, basil and mint and some other herbs that mum is sure to use for her cooking.
  • Give her a DIY card ~ Mum sure is a sucker for anything hand-written by her children, especially from smaller children who are just beginning to write or have just mastered the art. These might look simple and ordinary, but mum considered them as treasures, check my post about the first time I got a card from my little man and you will know exactly what I mean! Go ahead and touch mum’s heart on the day for mums by writing her a card or a love letter.Prepare a special breakfast in bed ~ mum is always the one rising up really early to prepare everyone’s breakfast. Why not give her a timeout on Mother’s Day and prepare a breakfast in bed for her? You can ask dad and your siblings to help you prepare this special treat for mum. Cook her favorite breakfast meals and include a couple of her favorite fruits, too!
  • Create a Mother’s Day video greeting ~ encourage your brothers and sisters to create a touching Mother’s Day video greeting for mum. Include your grandparents, mum’s dear friends and relatives, and yes, if you can find them, invite mum’s old classmates from school to have a cameo in your video, too. Am sure this is something most mums will love. I know I would!  😀

This list can go on forever and I am sure you can add a few more of your heart-warming ideas, too. I’d love to read all about it in the comments section below.

images are from freedigitalphotos.net

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    1. aww, I do hope you can celebrate it with your mum. I would really give anything just so I can celebrate Mother’s Day with my mama now that I am a mum, too!

    1. I feel you sis, it has been 7 years since my Mama passed on + I really miss her so bad, especially when I became a mother, too.

  1. Happy Mother’s Day to you sis! 🙂

    These are all good ideas, as for me though, I’d just like to not do anything for a day! hahaha! 😛

    1. and to you, too, sis! 🙂

      I was so tempted to include that on the list: give mum a day’s off! ^_^

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