Happy 5th Birthday Love!

birthdays, greetings, mum's thoughts, Jared, jared's nook, occasions

“Where did the time go and how did you grow into this not-so-little man from the little baby you used to be?”

I ask these questions each time your birthday approaches. I guess we were too busy having an adventure, laughing, or arguing that I often disregard the minute details until they are screaming to be noticed, like how your feet get that big, or where you get the words you are blurting out, or where did you ever get those quirks.

birthdays, greetings, mum's thoughts, Jared, jared's nook, occasions

Today you are celebrating your 5th and I wish you all the happiness in the world your little heart can contain. I wish for you to continue to bring your own ray of sunshine wherever you may go. I wish you continue to be your own unique self and blossom into a wonderful, God-fearing young man you are meant to be. I wish that the Lord will always bless and nurture you.

Thank you, my love, for making this world a better place because you are in it. Thank you for making mum’s life more meaningful and thank you for always inspiring me to become a better person. Thank you for changing me and giving me the privilege to be your mother. Thank you for giving me the wonderful blessing of spending every waking hour with you. Know that mum will love you to infinity and beyond, to the moon and back!

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Product Review: Our Itsy Bitsy KaHone Bugs

products, product review, products for children, educational activities for children

Anything that would allow me to teach the little man at home and entertain him without having to plug any electric appliance or turn on a gadget is alright in my book! In fact, ever since Jared was born I was always on the look out for cool stuff that would be both fun and educational for my little one. I actually stumbled upon these activity box packages online and it was such a pity that they were not available in the Philippines. Well, that all changed when I chanced upon KaHone and I was thinking “at last! they finally managed to make something like this locally!”

So yes, I was excited at my latest discovery so you can just imagine how delighted I was when the creative people behind Kahone agreed to send me a box for review. I actually got the box a couple of months ago and I really apologize for posting about this great product just now. I was actually waiting until the little guy is willing and cooperative to try out the painting bit so I can include it in my post but to no avail. After a few months of cajoling and convincing, I had no choice but to give up and post about my review without featuring the painting part of the box we got. Read on to know more about this great product for kids that I am sure homeschooling and non-homeschooling mums will like! 🙂

KaHone in a nutshell

products, product review, products for children, educational activities for children

According to their website, Kahone is:

a monthly subscription themed activity box that was created out of passion for some hands-on fun that promotes learning as well. Each box contains all the materials and instructions for 3-4 activities revolving about one theme that a parent and child can do together!

What is brilliant about Kahone? It makes it easy and convenient for mums to have themed fun and educational activities on the ready whenever their little ones’ moods strike. It also saves mums the hassle of hopping from one book store or craft shop after another as it contains everything they will need for the activities inside the box. And what’s even better? These boxes are delivered right at our doorsteps every month!

Mums can also choose from different KaHone options that fits their budget. Available packages include:

  • KaHone {Full} ~ the original offering where all materials and instructions for 3 to 4 activities are all in one box
  • KaHone Lite ~ this is ideal for parents who already have basic craft materials at home and do not have a need for additional scissors, colored pens, watercolors, or glue
  • KaHone Expanded {Full or Lite} ~ the latest KaHone offering ideal for siblings who wish to do activities together. Each KaHone Expanded box comes with two sets of materials siblings can work on together
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The Little One’s Latest Pedia Visit

mum's thoughts, Jared, jared's nook, children vaccine, vaccines, parenting 101

We visited the little one’s pedia earlier today after his class. It has been sometime since our last visit and if my memory serves me right, the last time we were at the little man’s doctor was late last year. It was the season of cough, cold, flu and other sickness so it calls for the little one to have his flu shot. About time we go, too, as I have a number of queries I am itching to ask our pedia.

The line was surprisingly short today that we did not wait too long for our turn. I guess it was a good decision to go on a regular day, instead of visiting on a Monday or waiting until the weekend, as we’d normally encounter long queues whenever we go there on Saturdays.

Jared’s pedia was asking how he was and was surprised that he readily entered the doctor’s clinic when his name was called. Normally, he’d fuss about it and would think of a number of reasons and excuses so that he can convince me to go home and dodge his vaccines! The doctor also jokingly asked my little guy if mum needs to hold him to be still while administering the vaccine and he simply shook his head to disagree. My, look how cool and behave he was while having his shot! This sure is a welcome change considering how he’d cry his eyes out at the sight of a needle!

I am really proud of how the little one behaved today and how bravely he sat still to wait for his doctor to finish his vaccine! I hope he will behave the same way when we return to the clinic in October for another shot. I guess I cannot deny the inevitable, my baby is no longer a baby and is now turning to be a very curious and inquisitive little boy. I am sure I am in for more surprises as we go along! 🙂

Have you recently visited your pedia to have your little one’s vaccines updated? I’d love to hear all about it in a comment below. 🙂

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