5-Day Gratitude Log Challenge: My 3rd Day Entry

gratitude, mum's thoughts, 5-Day Gratitude Log Challenge, Facebook memes, mum inspires

Keeping a thankful and grateful attitude allows us to revel in our every blessing instead of wallowing in our plight or situation. Being thankful instantly improves our mood and allows us to be open for the outpouring of more blessings in our lives. And as Yogi Bhajan puts it, the attitude of gratitude, indeed, is the highest yoga.

Here are my gratefuls for today:

  1. the precious time spent with my boys!
  2. the privilege to work + earn a living while staying at home to care + look after my little man
  3. those rare opportunities to simply relax + do nothing especially when i am down with such a terrible headache

What are you thankful for, do share them in a comment below and let us help spread the attitude of gratitude all around! 🙂

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