Thankful Thursday: Productivity + Yoga

mum's thoughts, Thankful Thursday, mum inspires, yoga, gratitude, blogging, stay-at-home mom

It is time again for another #ThankfulThurday post and today I am thankful for being productive, and yes, for yoga. More about the yoga part later on in the post and let me talk about the productivity bit. I guess you cannot help but feel very productive if you have accomplished a number of tasks and chores you have set out for you in the week, and that is exactly how I am feeling of late. So I am done with a part of my laundry and cleaning the rooms, a few more spins in the washer and a couple of cleaning here and there and I am all done with this week’s laundry and chores. Which is just about fine by me as I will be left with ample time over the weekend to make reviewers for the little school boy for his incoming 2nd quarter examinations. I have also found the perfect Halloween costume for the little man in time for his Halloween Party!

Blogging is also thriving this week as I have numerous projects currently on the brew. Posts about Unilab, PLDT KaAsenso Cyberya, Proactiv, and the exciting new Robinsons Malls App are also slated to be published within a week or two. I have also been to Blogapalooza over the weekend and will tell you all about the numerous things I’ve seen there in a separate blogpost. Not to mention there are also a couple of book and product reviews coming up and I do hope you watch out for them.

I am also preoccupied with some work-at-home tasks in between, and yesterday, just right before I prepared for another blogging event, I finished a 900-or-so-word article, allowing me to tick off another item on my to-do list. Nothing gives me more joy than to be around my little man 24/7 while he is young, and the opportunity to earn a living while being a full-time stay-at-home mum is really a blessing. My son will be little for only a short time and the chance to look after him myself and being given the chance to augment the family income while doing so is more than enough reason to feel blessed.

And, yes, sorry it took a while but here I go with the yoga bit. I was supposed to visit my local yoga center for a class last week but something came up so I had it re-scheduled for this week. It has been a very long, looong while since I was there last and I am only delighted to be back and to hit my mat again. Yoga is my bliss and my sanctuary, it is also my instant pick-me-upper and visiting one of my favorite places, working on my asanas is a very welcome change in my everyday mundanity. Yes, I was sore and aching here and there after my session, but I was also most relaxed and very peaceful. I agreed to be back next week and I am just glad to be back on my mat again and continue on with my practice.

Now it is your turn to share your Thankful Thursday list, I would love to read all about it! 🙂

image is from Facebook

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  1. Wow, job well done Vix! See? This is the proof I love this post because I’m back again. 🙂 I do hope I could join you for some yoga sessions but am afraid all you guys are pros. 😉 We do have the same great feeling of having to work at home while nurturing our kids 24/7. Despite some adjustments to be made, we are sure to work all things together for good. Thanks be to God for this opportunity! 🙂

    1. thanks mars! ^_^ what i love my yoga sessions is that they are mostly one-on-one, just me + my yoga instructor. yesterday, i had a classmate to do yoga which made the session all the more exciting. i do hope you can join me soon. i will be going back next wednesday at 8am, let me know if you are available then, ayt? 😉

      So true, mars, thanks be to God for the blessing + the opportunity! ^_^

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