Thankful Thursday: Happy New Year + What I’m Thankful for in 2014!

That was quite quick 2014, but I am very thankful for everything, the good and the bad that came my way this year. Thank you for they made me into who I am today and I will surely not trade the challenges, the memories, the struggles, the love, the blessings that the All bestowed upon me this year. They all made my year a blast!

Today we are ushering the New Year and I simply love the prospect of clean slates and new beginnings, its endless potentials and the all too exciting possibilities. Indeed, today is the start of yet another round of 365 days in our book and it all lies in our hands how we would like that book to be written.

As we welcome 2015 with arms wide open, here’s the list of what I am thankful for in 2014:

  • for my siblings, for always being there for me and for loving my little man like their own
  • for my friends whom I know will always be there no matter what
  • for the many opportunities for my blogs
  • for forging new bonds that I hope will last a lifetime
  • for my yoga teacher and my precious time on the mat, albeit quite limited
  • for my online friends and communities
  • for all the beautiful memories we were able to make this year!  :heart:
  • for items ticked off my very long list
  • for the gift of a grateful heart
  • for my loves, who are my rock, my infinite source of love and inspiration, and who are, and always will be, my most cherished blessings

And as we say goodbye to the very first day of the year, here is what I am thankful for for today:

  • for starting my 2015 on the right foot
  • for having a productive but restful day
  • for seeing dear friends I have not seen in a while
  • for the cold, lazy weather
  • for spending a lovely time outdoors
  • for the little man’s gifts

This New Year, I pray that we welcome it with hearts full of love, gratitude and hope for what is to come. May we all have a blessed and prosperous 2015. May we all make the best of what we’ve been given and may we continue to look up with thankful hearts.

image is from

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