Have Some Adventures in the Kitchen

tips + tricks, home, family, activities with the family
image by marin from freedigitalphotos.net

You’re tired of the same old, same old every day. You feel like your menu never changes and your family is getting bored too. It’s time to shake things up a bit and explore your options. Think about changes you can make in what you prepare day after day. Your family can be your guinea pigs as you try new things and find new favorites. Don’t let meal times become a chore because everything has grown stale. You can add some pizazz to your recipes if you can dare to be different.

Make it a Team Effort

Get everyone involved in your eating adventure. You don’t have to be the only cook. Your spouse can cook with you one night and your kids can join in on another. If you have enough space, everyone can be a part of the prep team. You’ll feel a new energy and create a great time for bonding as you work together. Before you start cooking, sit down and make a list of foods that everyone is interested in trying. At the same time, cross off anything that you eat all the time. Change is in the air. Embrace it.

tips + tricks, home, family, activities with the family
image by fantasista from freedigitalphotos.net

Push Your Limits

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The Woes Of Taking Public Transport

mum's thoughts, Philippines Today,  current issues, news
image is Feelart from freedigitalphotos.net

I used to take public transportation on a daily basis while working in the city more than 5 years ago. Commuting back then seems to be a walk in the park compared to what the commuters have to endure nowadays. I get to take public transport from time to time these days and mostly I have to endure horrendous traffic and long queues. I bet my stress level will hike up if I were to do it on a regular basis.

Unnecessary delays in train schedules, seemingly endless lines, and worse road condition, not to mention those unannounced public protest in the busiest road on a Friday, all make a commuter’s life a lot harder than it already is, and my heart goes out to the working mums who would miss the family dinner, or helping the children with their homework, or tucking the little ones to bed just because they cannot come home earlier. Now more than ever, I am thankful that I can earn my keep in the comforts of my home without having to worry about the adverse traffic condition or untimely road repairs.

Of course, these problems are not the only thing public commuters has to worry about. While agonizing about the thought of not making it to work, or class, or appointment on time, a person who takes public transportation also has to worry about his safety and security while traveling. The road is a dangerous place for travelers and accidents are waiting at every turn ~ it can be in a form of a derailed train, or one of those deadliest cars speeding by and hitting your UV van, or it can also be a pickpocket just waiting for a fellow passenger to let down his guard to attack and take whatever he can get his hands to.

With all the trouble a public commuter had to go to on a daily basis, I guess we can never really blame them for turning to social media to air their grievances about the public commuting system or lack thereof. I just hope the government has something up their sleeves to make public commuting in the country a lot less stressful and dangerous.

Have you tried public transportation recently, how was it?

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Thankful Thursday: Pre-Birthday Musings

mum inspires, Thankful Thursday, gratitude, birthdays

I must be getting old as every time my birthday approaches, my thoughts are filled not with wishes that I hope to come true on my special day but of gratitude and thanks for all the blessings I am getting from Above since Day 1. In my 36 years, I have long realized that after all that I have been through in life, I was truly blessed to be living the life that I am living now, to be able to witness my son grow up each and every single day, to be there for my little man especially when he needs me the most instead of being tied up to a desk or a headset-and-a-computer. I am very blessed to be doing what I love doing and that is to be a mother to my son and to write, even when I am currently neck-deep with deadlines and backlogs on this blog.

It is a good night’s sleep away from my very special day and today I thank the Universe for these:

  • for making me realize how blessed I am
  • for another year to experience everything that life has to offer
  • for allowing me to live the kind of life that I love
  • for giving me special people in my life who makes me feel special
  • for Jared’s dad  :heart:
  • for the unexpected surprises in the mail
  • for  the opportunity to do and earn from doing what I love to do the most ~ to write
  • for making my blogs instruments for blessings, friendships, and opportunities
  • for the chance to cuddle up with a good book even when I cannot finish it {currently reading this awesome book about one of my favorite people, Princess Diana}
  • for making me experience childhood all over again with my little man  :heart:
  • for a good night sleep
  • for good health
  • for seemingly endless chores that keep me occupied throughout the day
  • for finding inspirations from just about anything and anyone around me {like these wild flowers on the photo I chanced upon one day while on my way to my parents home}
  • for random acts of kindness
  • for the constant reminder of God’s love and grace

Truly, there is so much to be thankful for if we only look around us closely with an open heart. What are you thankful for today?

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