Book Review: Geronimo Stilton Academy Pawbooks

I was previously invited to the launch of Scholastic’s Geronimo Stilton Academy Pawbooks held at Greenbelt 4 last 22 August, but I was not able to make it because of the bad weather. It was fortunate that Scholastic generously sent me samples of the workbooks to feature on the blog today.

image is from the Geronimo Stilton website,

The little man and I have yet to discover Geronimo Stilton and his adventures, but I have read and heard good stuff about this book series from other mum friends whose kids are crazy over these books. The Geronimo Stilton series, intended for children aged 6-12, is a best-selling children’s book series written by Elisabetta Dami, a famous Italian children’s books writer. Originally published in Italy, Scholastic has been publishing its English version since 2004. The books featured autobiographical adventures of journalist, editor and best-selling author, Geronimo Stilton and his sister, Thea Stilton. From time to time, the books also feature the siblings cousin, Trap, and Geronimo’s favorite nephew, 9-year old, Benjamin. According to Wikipedia, the Genonimo Stilton series became the most popular children’s books in Italy and has since been translated into 35 different languages.

This year, Scholastic launched the Geronimo Stilton Academy Pawbooks, which can a great reading companion for the Geronimo Stilton Series. These Pawbooks aims to prepare children to become mouse-ter-ful readers and writers just like Geronimo Stilton and make learning English as enjoyable as chewing off a large chunk of cheese!

The Geronimo Stilton Academy Pawbooks comes it 2 series:

books for children, children's books, Geronimo Stilton, books, Reviews, book review
The Geronimo Stilton Academy Comprehension Pawbook Series
  1. Vocabulary Pawbooks ~ encourages children to learn new words and use these words, includes word and sentence level activities , as well as activities on theme-related nouns, verbs, suffixes, adjectives, synonyms. The senior level {the second book in the series} includes prefixes, synonyms/antonyms, idioms, and onomatopoeia, while the Pawbook 3 or Master level includes theme-related words and phrases, word clines, as well as word analogies.

    books for children, children's books, Geronimo Stilton, books, Reviews, book review
    The Geronimo Stilton Academy Vocabulary Pawbook Series
  2. Comprehension Pawbooks ~ also comprises of 3 levels, on the other hand, teach children about predicting, inferring, sequencing, comparing and contrasting, recalling details and main ideas. Level 2 includes all the skills covered in Level 1, as well as drawing conclusions and summarizing. Level 3, on the other hand, includes all skills covered in the previous 2 books, as well as giving reasons and station opinions and point of view. 

Some mum friends asked if I can include photos of the inside of the book in this post, so here are some sample pages from the Comprehension Pawbook 1:

books for children, children's books, Geronimo Stilton, books, Reviews, book review
one of the activities in the Pawbooks

Both Pawbooks series allow children to read excerpts of Geronimo’s fa-mouse-ly funny stories and work out with carefully crafted mouse-xercises, as well as triple-cheese level of questions. They were also designed to develop children’s literacy skills through a series of guided and structured exercises.

Why I thought you and your little one will love these Pawbooks

books for children, children's books, Geronimo Stilton, books, Reviews, book review
the little man thumbing through one of the Geronimo Stilton Pawbooks, tomorrow I will ask him to complete one or 2 exercises from Book 1, I hope he will be up to the task! 😉

If your children loves the Geronimo Stilton series then there is no doubt they will equally love these Pawbooks and add them to their collection. If not, these exercise books will be a great way to get them hooked on reading the series. I am betting mums will also love them and might just have to keep themselves from beating the little one’s from finishing the activities and exercises, I know I did!  :laugh:

Here are a few reasons why you’d love this series of Pawbooks:

  • The eye-catching layout ~ I love how they beautifully designed the book to make it very appealing in the kids’ eyes. I especially love the varying fonts and how they are very easy on the eyes making reading each pawbook a lovely experience.
  • The colorful animation ~ whether you are familiar with the Geronimo Stilton characters or not, you won’t help but adore the colorful animation found in each page of the pawbooks.  I thought the drawings will only make the kids even more excited to thumb through each page.
  • The highlighted words ~ each part of the book has highlighted words that are easier for children to spot, making them easier for them to understand and add into their vocabulary bank. 
  • A wide variety of activities ~ children will never get tired of finishing each exercise in the pawbooks as they are packed with a wide variety of activities the children will love ~ from fill-in-the-blank exercises to fun crossword puzzles.
  • The Glossary and Answer guide at the back ~ yes, geeky, I know, but this is very convenient for mums, especially if you have a child who tends to have endless questions about words and their meaning. Children can also read this on their own, if they are too keen.
  • Reasonably-priced ~ each book sells at Php299 {at least at National Bookstore where I chanced upon them 2 weeks ago}, a good deal considering all the fun and enjoyment the children will get from reading them and finishing the exercises.

I give the Geronimo Stilton Pawbooks  :yes:  :yes:  :yes:  :yes:  :yes:  and suggest that you include it in your list of books to buy the next time you hit your favorite bookstore. It will be a great supplement for school-aged kids who always complains about being bored at home or a good workbook for homeschooled children. Also, it can be a great read for reluctant readers as no one can resist the colorful and fun pawbooks!

books for children, children's books, Geronimo Stilton, books, Reviews, book review
image is from the Scholastic Asia Facebook Page

By the way, if you are big Geronimo and Thea Stilton fans, do not forget to check them out at the National Bookstore booth at this year’s Manila International Book Fair and get your Geronimo Stilton books stamped by the adventurous siblings and have your photos taken with them.

For more information about the Geronimo Stilton Pawbooks, and the other Scholastic titles, do visit their website,, and follow them on Facebook,

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  1. awww.. Geronimo Stilton… my little brother used to have his books.. i think the series started around 2004 or 2005 and even when I was in highschool I find it really amusing to read kahit na target readers are kids LOL..

  2. I saw this series in the school’s book fair last August. I was attracted to its colorful cover. My kids are too young for it though but I will sure get back to it when the’yre old enough. 🙂

  3. Kids nowadays face ipads and mobile phones instead of books. But maybe this Geronimo Stilton academy pawbooks can be an aid for them to enjoy reading than playing games. I’d buy one for my younger brother who is 7 years old. 🙂

    1. that is so true. it is really high time the little ones re-discover the wonders of books + reading. I am betting your brother will enjoy this Pawbooks, do not forget to get him one of those Geronimo Stilton novels, too, while you are at it! ^_^

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