Learning More About Allergies With Allerkid At Kidzania Manila

Someone is definitely excited to go back here where #kidsdobigthings #kidzaniamanila #allerkid #jaredslittlecorner

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The little man absolutely loves Kidzania. In fact, he told me once that it is his favorite place. He was actually asking me this morning while preparing for school when we are going back! So it is no surprise that we’d grab every chance or excuse to go back to the awesome place.  And I guess, you can also easily tell who is more delighted to receive an invite from Allerkid to spend a day with them at Kidzania Manila a few weeks back. 😀

Allerkid in a nutshell

products, events, children's allergies, children health, tips and tricks, health products

I was interested to know more about this brand since this is what his pedia prescribed to the little one whenever he had allergies or sniffles. Of course I would also like to know more about allergies and allergy management as we’ve been plagued by a number of them over the years. It is not only Jared who has them, I also had my fair share of those nasty reds and itches.

It is comforting to know that it is the No.1 Allergy Medicine for kids and is the most-doctor prescribed, too. Cetirizine Allerkid is effective in relieving allergy symptoms of Allergic Rhinitis, including sneezing, nasal itching, watery eyes or what we call in our vernacular “hatsing-singhot-kamot.” It is also used for Allergic conjunctivitis, as well as Atopic dermatitis. Allerkid is known to control allergy in as fast as 20 minutes with the effects that lasts up to 24 hours, thus it can only be taken once a day. Kids also enjoy the great grape taste because of its TasteRite Technology which masks the bitter taste of medicine.

Here Are 3 Ways To Help Manage Allergies

  • Teach the little ones about proper hygiene ~ apart from making sure the little ones take a bath daily, it is a must that we teach them how to wash their hands properly, too. And for added protection, make sure they always carry a handkerchief or hand towel to cover their mouths when they sneeze or cough.
  • Encourage the little ones to exercise and lead an active life ~ regular exercise not only make the little one’s body strong, it also improves his disposition and his mood and boosts his immune system so it can fight off illnesses and allergies.
  • Let the kids have a well-balanced diet ~ eating fruits and vegetables gives the children the proper amount of nutrients and minerals their small bodies need to grow strong and healthy.

The Allerkid Event at Kidzania Manila

Apart from letting the mums and kids enjoy a wonderful time together at Kidzania Manila {yes, mums also got to try the many jobs available and be kids for one day!}, Allerkid also increased everyone’s awareness on allergy education. Dr. Shirley Kwong, an allergist from the Philippine Society of Allergy, Asthma and Immunology {PSAAI}, educated us about the signs, symptoms, and management of allergies. She also spoke about the Allergy Club of PSAAI, which aims to educate patients about their allergic diseases to help them control their allergies and improve their quality of life. And to make the lessons fun and enjoyable for the kids, they invited Mr. Ony Carcamo, a renowned ventriloquist, along with his puppet, Kulas,  to teach us more about allergies and how to manage them.

After the very brief program, it was time for the mums and kids to explore this beautiful city designed for small people. Because it was a special day, mums also gets a chance to be kids for a day and try the many jobs and activities available. Before anything else, we proceeded to BPI to exchange our checks into kidzos, the Kidzania currency.  I was excited to accompany the little man in his itinerary for the day as it was something we’ve never done before. I was only made to watch him outside the establishments as he enjoyed each activities he chose during our previous visits.

products, events, children's allergies, children health, tips and tricks, health products
at the CSI Lab

After getting our kidzos, I let the little one chose our first activity for the day and watched him as he excitedly waddled to the CSI/Police Station. An avid fan of CSI, the X-Files, and other similar shows on the tellie, I was excited to participate and be an investigator for a day! We followed the case of a missing car at the Car Dealership, as well as the missing medicine from the hospital. After gearing up and wearing our gloves, we followed the trails of the crime at the hospital, the bank, and finally, the car dealership. We collected evidences and pertinent information from witnesses and brought them to the lab for further study. Our panel was successful in pin-pointing the suspect and, in turn, earned each 10 Kidzos for our efforts! Woot!  :laugh:

products, events, children's allergies, children health, tips and tricks, health products
my little firefighter

We were not as productive as I initially planned, as we only got to try a couple of jobs, but it was well worth it and I was sure the little one enjoyed his visit. He then asked me if he can give the fire department a go and I happily obliged. This is one of his favorite jobs here and loved putting out the fire on our last visit. He was lucky he was able to do this again that day. As soon as the fire alarm set off, the little excited fire fighters made a beeline for the fire truck to reach the burning hotel. The fire was out after a few minutes and my little fireman was beaming with lovely smile. By the way, you have to pay 10 Kidzos to try your hand at being a fireman.

There were other activities I would’ve loved to give a go, but it seemed like my little one was not up to the task that day. We just roamed around and wander at the different awesome things to see and before we know it, it was time for us to leave. Of course, the little man insisted we visit again real soon.

Needless to say, we absolutely enjoyed our Kidzania visit. Thank you, Allerkid for having us! For more information about Allerkid, do visit the Allerkid Product Page, unilab.com.ph/products/allerkid

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  1. It took several posts about Kidzania for me to realize that there activities that one gets paid and one has to pay. Interesting concept. I hope to be able to bring my nephew there.

    1. Yes, it is a very interesting bit. It allows children to have a taste of what it’s like in the actual world, where you have to spend to access some establishments and get paid when you get some work done. A clever way to teach the children about the value of hard work as well as money.

  2. This sounds like a great learning experience for kids and it’s definitely memorable too. I’m glad you both had a great time. And you’re right about allergies, it’s good to be informed and to teach your kids how to deal with it too.

  3. Looks great but I saw that the prices are very expensive to enter. I am relieved that my kids have already outgrown expensive kiddie places like this. However, they have their own expensive teenage activities too. Hehe.

    1. Yes, the place is a bit pricey but i believe it is well worth it. On the contrary, I think it is more expensive to have teeners than kids! Hehe 🙂

  4. Kidzania sounds like a great place! I like the concept and it definitely teaches kids a lot of things. It’s the perfect place to go to during their summer vacation. It’s important to be aware of your child’s allergies as well especially if you’re going to places such as this!

  5. Kidzania is for children to explore and discover the place. The most inspiring to do is to give the children time in Kidzania. Moreover, allergy for kids really appear according to the weather and the environment. Better to have this medicine ready at all times.

    1. That’s true, we can only do so much to keep allergies at bay, that is why raising awareness about them and how to manage them properly is of utmost importance.

    2. That’s true, we can only do so much to keep allergies at bay, that is why raising awareness about them and how to manage them properly is of utmost importance.

  6. It really is important to understand allergies and not just keep avoiding them. This is such a cool way to learn! 🙂

  7. A child’s health is really important because they are more vulnerable and more prone to various illnesses. It’s good that Allerkid chose to hold their event in Kidzania where kids get to have fun and learn at the same time. Plus, you get to learn about allergies and how to care for your kid when allergies strike. 🙂

  8. I once saw it somewhere that kids react to allergients different from adults. It’s nice of Allerkid to bring your kids to Kidzania. While I have been to the one in KL before, it’s really a kids thing more than anything else.

    1. Yes, increasing awareness about allergies especially amongst children is winning half the battle already.

      It is! My son cannot wait to go back! 😀

  9. Good initiative I would say. Kids do have allergies and it is needed that some awareness about the same is generated.

    1. It is not. That is why it is a relief to know that we can rely on products like Cetirizine Allerkid to help us manage our allergies better.

  10. Unlike me, my daughter’s is very blessed that she’s not allergic to anything. Although our doctor did say that it can develop overtime, events like these helps us moms be alert.

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