How To Get Your Teen Ready For School On the Cheap

parenting 101, tips and tricks, children, money matters, money talks
image by Ambro from

Raising teenagers can be quite expensive depending on their tastes and getting them ready for school can be a nightmare. That doesn’t mean that getting them ready has to be expensive. There are plenty of ways to save money on the things that your teen needs for school. Even those in college can need help trying to save money so planning ahead can help immensely.

Tax free week usually occurs right before a majority of schools are back in session. This might only be 7 percent of the price but it is money that is automatically saved. With costs of school supplies costing in the hundreds this can save you a solid amount of money. If you live in a state near one that doesn’t have a sales tax like Delaware, making a shopping trip can be worth the drive.

parenting 101, tips and tricks, children, money matters, money talks
image by nenetus from

Going online to find school supplies as well as clothes is easier than ever. It is also easier than ever to find deal online or even coupons. There are coupons for sites like on Groupon that are updated on a daily basis. It is important to check coupon websites and websites for deals daily. Most websites will have a calendar of their sales so you will know when purchasing school supplies or clothes will be the cheapest.

Doing shopping months is advance can help you save hundreds of dollars per trip. There are outlet stores that sell brand names for cheap but the clothing is not seasonal. In the summer and spring they have winter clothes and vice versa. Checking out these outlets for additional sales can be a great way to save money without sacrificing clothing quality. Black Friday is a great day to do as much shopping as possible as the prices are reduced dramatically.

As you can see the days of spending large amounts of money to get your teen ready for school are over. With all of the options available today you should make it a goal to spend the least amount of money possible without your teen noticing. Don’t pay full price to anything as there is always a better deal.

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