Laundry was not one of my favorite chores at home as I used to get backaches after doing several hours worth of laundry with my hands. It became an entirely different story when we found the perfect washing machine for our small family. Suddenly, I am looking forward to laundry day and it has become my favorite and now I do laundry as often as I possibly can.
So going back to the question, is it a must to get a fully-automated washing machine? My answer is a resounding “Yes!” It pays to invest on a good washing machine as it really is such a big help around the home. Just imagine all the free time you get when you do not have to do the laundry by hand? I am thankful for my washer, Fuzzy, it was like having an extra pair of hands to work around at home and since she arrived, I have more time for more things that matter like spending more time with my boys.
Here is an exciting news from our friends at Sharp about their new fully-automatic washing machine. Read on to know more, especially if you are on the look out for the perfect automatic washing machine for your home.