Parenting 101: 5 Tips To Help Your Baby To Start Walking

tips and tricks, parenting 101, children, babies, parenting tips

One of the best feelings a parent will experience during their baby’s early stages is when they learn how to walk on their own. Seeing them accomplish this feat brings a sense of pride and accomplishment exclusive only to parents. There is nothing better than seeing your own succeeding and growing into a fine and healthy kid.

If you are a new and excited parent that wants to see your kid walk his/her first steps, then you definitely need a lot of patience and effort before you can see that crowning moment. But, trust me, it will all be worth it. Once you see your kid walk his first steps, I bet that you will unconsciously cry your heart out with joy. And that you would want to share and let everybody know about your baby’s first steps.

Luckily, our friends at baby lovers from have shared 5 tips that will help you in training your baby to walk.

1. Develop their leg muscles

At about 4-7 months, you will notice that your baby will start bouncing. Once you notice this, try to assist your baby and help him/her bounce as much as possible. Bouncing will help develop his/her leg muscles which are very important in walking.

The next thing you will notice is your baby sitting and crawling. This will help develop your baby’s back and neck muscles that are essential in maintaining balance. During this process, try to guide your baby at first until gradually letting him do it independently.

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Mind Your Moods: Top Tech + Gadgets For Boosting Good Feelings + Gratitude

health, mum finds, health apps, apps, mobile apps for the family, gratitude, gadgets + technology

It’s estimated a huge 350 million people across the globe suffer from depression. From relatively mild feelings of just ‘being in a bad mood’ to chronic depression that requires medication, this condition is clearly extremely common all over the world with a variety of possible symptoms.

Whilst severe cases of depression often require professional medical attention, milder cases of depression and bad moods may simply just need extra care and self-help methods. If you’re genuinely worried and think you may be suffering severely, it’s always recommended to consult a professional for advice but, if you’re generally happy but just experience more negative mood swings than you’d like, technology might just be your answer. If you want to boost positive feeling, and your overall gratitude for life whilst reducing stress, here are some top apps and gadgets you can start using right away.


Stress and bad moods can require more than just a simple stress ball, and that’s where the Hypnocube comes in. As its name suggests, it’s a small cube-shaped device that’s filled with 64 LED lights. These lights can form up to 4000 different color combinations, dazzling the viewer with hypnotic light shows and effects.

Allowing you to immerse yourself in an array of colorful lights and transitions, the Hypnocube is the perfect option if you just want to take a quick 10 minutes of quiet time to relax. This small cube will take a load off your brain and give you a moment to reflect and take time out for yourself.

Coloring Book for Me & Mandala

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