Thankful Thursday: Of Gratitude + Flame

#ThankfulThursday #gratitude #thankful #muminspires #gratitudequotes #wordstoliveby

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Life can be difficult sometimes and try as we may, there will always be days when we needed more inspiration to be grateful and keep a thankful attitude. This is why we ought to always be open as the Universe continuously sends us signs and little nudges so we can always find reasons to be thankful and grateful.

That being said, it is also important to be grateful for these inspirations {which may come in different forms ~ a new song, a beautiful bloom in the morning, a beautiful poem or piece of art, a random act of kindness from a loved one or a stranger, the list goes on} for allowing us to get by on a particularly difficult or sad day. It is also a must that we be grateful for those who are able to keep the flame of gratitude burning in us, especially on those times we needed it most.

It has been awhile since I have listed things that I am grateful for here on the blog, and tonight I would like to thank the Universe for the following:

  • summer
  • the little one’s school break coming up in a few days!
  • spending time with my boys
  • hugging, cuddling, and afternoon naps  :heart:
  • random sweetness that melts my heart :heart:
  • Jared quips {I really should make a blog post out of them}
  • postcards from NYC
  • a surprise Gotochi from Japan
  • opps and more opps for the blogs
  • weekends {mums can relate to this am sure! :D}
  • precious time with my niece and nephew
  • sunflower seeds {and more} from Palawan!
  • Ed Sheeran’s new album, ÷ {lovin’ every track so far!}
  • Incubus’ new song, GlitterBomb {the much-awaited eighth album, 8, will be out on Incubus Day, too!}
  • new books arriving very soon
  • peaches! {I got a can from our previous grocery errand and I cannot wait to eat them}
  • good news from a dear friend {crossing my fingers!}
  • this cool Mindfulness App
  • finishing long-overdue backlogs
  • ticking off items on my things-to-do-list
  • fond memories of my Mama and Papa

Summer is almost upon us and the little one will be off from school starting next week, I sure hope I will have more time to update the blog and whisk Jared to the great outdoors and take lovely summer photos. In the meantime, go on and make your gratitude list for this week, if you haven’t already. Remember to always be thankful to the people who makes you grateful.

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