Health + Wellness: Tips + Tricks On How To Keep A Healthy Diet

Keeping a healthy diet and a healthy eating habit is crucial in maintaining our over-all health and wellness. The easiest step you can take is to start consuming the most nutritious foods derived from plants like vegetables, whole grains, peas, beans, fruits, etc. You must also restrict yourself from consuming food with high fats.

That being said, you can never start a healthy diet if you lack the proper knowledge on how to lead a healthy lifestyle. For those who would like to jump-start a healthy eating habit, find tutors who can guide you in learning all about healthy diet. You may also check Gundry MD reviews for reference.

Here are a few tips and tricks that can start you off with your journey to a healthy diet:

Make sure that the food you eat have multiple variations. Excess of everything is not good. If your body gets exceeded with a single type of nutrients, it will cause great amount of trouble. Every nutrient has its unique characteristics and have unique tendency to fight with diseases. A private tutor of health can elaborate well of the variety of good , healthy food that a person can take.

health, food, tips and tricks, healthy eating, health and wellness

Keen An Eye On The Food Portions

If you have to watch your weight then you have to keep an eye on the food portions you take. Eating more means adding all those extra calories onto your body. Eating small meals per day works wonders and make sure you have sufficient portions of greens and proteins for a well-balanced meal. When eating out, opt for restaurants that serve smaller portions so you will not be tempted to eat more than you have to.

Adapt A Productive Diet

If you are eating the proper food, eating more does not necessarily mean more fat is being added into your body. A habit of taking 2 and a half cups of vegetables and 2 cups of fruits a day is a great way to start eating healthy. You can pack in nutrients, minerals, and vitamins, without the extra calories or fat. Vegetables and fruits are also rich in nutrients that enables the body to fight against various types of cancer.

Adding supplements and similar products, like Activated You Morning Complete, into your diet will also prove very beneficial in maintaining a productive diet and keep a healthy eating habit.

Eat More Whole Grains

Whole grains are rich in fiber, Vitamin B, trace minerals {including Iron, Zinc, and Magnesium}, and antioxidants that are known to reduce the risk of obesity, diabetes, heart disease, as well as some forms of cancer. Develop habit to eat whole wheat, barley and oats. At least half of your consumption of grains should be whole grain.

Avoid Taking Refined Grains With More Sugar

Avoid eating food with extra sugar. White bread mostly has refined carbohydrate and it has been cleared from many nutrients. Same goes for pasta and snack foods. More sugar you take, the more unhealthy you will become. The rule of thumb is to go for the brown alternative ~ brown sugar and wheat bread.

health, food, tips and tricks, healthy eating, health and wellness

Fish And Nuts Are Good For The Health

It is known that fish and nuts are responsible for supplying healthy and unsaturated fats. They are high in calories but still they don’t promote weight gain. Replace high-calorie diet with fish and nuts. Fish and nuts are good for heart patients. too.

Restrain From Consuming Saturated Fats

Saturated fat is a fat which is obtained from meats. Red meat possess bad cholesterol. It’s better to consume low-fat dairy products and eat lean meats to stay healthy.

Disadvantage Of Fats From Hydrogenated Vegetable Oils

Fat from hydrogenated vegetable oil is not good for the health. It reduces both bad and good cholesterol and increases the risk of heart attack.

Avoiding Complete Consumption Of Cholesterol

Avoiding consumption of cholesterol completely is not a good action to take. Our body daily needs a 300-milligram cup of cholesterol. To lower blood cholesterol minimize consumption of fats from meat and hydrogenated vegetable oil.

Ratio Of Sodium And Potassium

Excessive sodium increases your blood pressure. People suffering from hypertension, diabetes or kidney-problems should limit the consumption of Sodium. Take more amount of potassium and fill your plates with bananas, potatoes, yogurt, and other food rich in Potassium.

Mum’s Two Cents

Eating healthy and maintaining a healthy diet is really easier said than done. But not unlike most changes we want to achieve, it does not happen overnight. It is best to take baby steps as you alter your not-so-healthy diet and replace an unhealthy food item in your pantry one at a time. One day soon, you will get the hang of eating healthy and maintaining a healthy diet will seem like second nature to you. As always, it is best to consult with your physician before adapting a new diet.

image via Pixabay

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  1. Thanks for this guide. Since I’m not on the strict diet but i have to real lose some weights though i’m doing some exercises my weight still the same fro about a months now. I’ll take a note on this. Thanks.

  2. Great tips! Admittedly, keeping a healthy diet these days is quite challenging. Especially for me who’s a foodie! And with all those new restos and pop up food kiosks around the city, its hard to keep the balance as they offer irresistably good to great food! I wish i will be able to comply into a strict healthy diet..

    1. Baby steps and moderation is key, I guess. You cannot alter your entire diet overnight, so it is best to not to be too hard on your steps when there are days when you’d rather eat chips that carrots or cucumber! 🙂

  3. These are such helpful tips. How I wish I can follow these. Hmm… Maybe when I reach my 30s I’ll have to be more rigorous in having a healthy diet. For now, I’ll just keep my eye on food portions.

    1. Food portions work wonders! In my opinion, it is much easier to start having a healthy diet while you are young, that way you won’t be saddled with a lot of extra pounds to get rid off when you are in your 30’s. Take it from me! 🙂

  4. True enough, living a healthy life is easier said than done. Not to mention, it’s really expensive, and requires a lot of thinking and planning. I tried doing that but it only worked for a month. Then I started doing those junk foods (Forgive me!) I think it’s a matter of balance, because as what you said, everything in excess is bad. Great read by the way! XO

    1. I also have difficulty keeping a healthy balanced diet all the time. Sometimes, the urge to binge on chips is stronger than my resolve to have a leaner stomach! 😀 Yes, balance is the key. Also, try filling your pantries with healthy snack items instead of junk food, that way it is much easier for you to eat healthier 😉

  5. Lately, I’ve been struggling with my diet. When I’m away from the province, I usually stick with black rice and eat small meals. But when I’m in the province, it’s easier to live since I could have vegetable dishes anytime I wish. Plus, food there are always fresh. It’s quite ironic here in the city because we could almost find everything in the malls present but the traffic is always there too. But truly, I’ll recommend this to my friends!

    1. Thanks for recommending this post! Yes, it is way much easier to eat healthy in the province where everything is available and fresh, especially if you have a mum who enjoys creating a feast when you go home! ^_^

  6. This is a great article that can help many women with leading healthier way of life. I always tend to combine my meals in a way that each dish I eat contains either vegetable or fruit of some kind. I watch for portion size as well. However, when I am in a rush, I just grab something unhealthy from one of the fast food restaurants. And I always hope I won’t gain any weight or threaten my health condition.
    I will definitely try some of these. Thank you!

    1. Yes, sometimes it is just too easy to grab something to-go. The key, I guess, is to opt for healthier restos where you buy food. I sure hope I can follow a number of these tips to help with weight loss and healthier diet! 😉

  7. I’m currently on a health plan to CORRECT my metabolic imbalances so that my body can burn fat and maintain a healthy, ideal blood pressure. This process requires 80% nutritional approach, and 20% of intense, intentional exercise. I like your tips on eating well; it’s really a matter of discipline in the beginning, and then it will become a habit. Especially for us Filipinos! We tend to think last about our health and what we put into our bodies. As a country, we really need a more proactive approach. Thanks for the article!

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