Thankful Thursday: Of Gratitude + Being Honorable

Being honorable may mean lots of different things to different people but I think the old sage, Seneca, nailed it in this quote. Indeed, nothing is more honorable than living our lives with gratitude in heart. Whatever life throws at us or surprises us with, we can always get by a bit better when we continue to be grateful for each and every single blessing we receive.

This week, I am thankful for:

:heart: rest when I needed it most
:heart: the little lilac flowers the little man handed to me when he got back from school today
:heart: my new Prince Harry postcard from Essex
:heart: my BeautyMNL orders arriving
:heart: catching up with a dear friend
:heart: more earning opportunities for the blog
:heart: the ability to pay off my SSS loan and contribution
:heart: Spotify for allowing me to re-discover old favorites, what a treat!
:heart: winning an Instagram giveaway! Hurrah!
:heart: afternoon naps
:heart: the first rain of the year!
:heart: the full moon
:heart: the looming summer break

What are you thankful for today?

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