It may not come easy and one has to constantly and continuously choose to be grateful, but one day, it will be so much more like muscle memory to be thankful and grateful for each inconvenience, delay, disappointment, or heartache.
This week, I am grateful for:
:heart: blogger mails
:heart: blessings through the blog
:heart: new earning opportunity for this work-from-home mum
:heart: retail therapy
:heart: spending lazy time at home with my little man
:heart: afternoon drizzles
:heart: ticking off more items on my summer to-do list
:heart: settling bills and obligations
:heart: renewing hosting for the blogs
:heart: new drawing materials for the little man!
:heart: tidying up a little at home {still lots of clutter to either relocate, giveaway, or dispose of}
:heart: takeaway fried chicken
:heart: conversations with a dear friend from across the miles
:heart: The Crown {it is always exhilarating to hear people speak in that lovely and crisp British accent and it always reminds me of the good old days}
:heart: afternoon snuggles and binge watching
What are you grateful for today?
Honestly, there are a lot of things that I should be thankful for. I’m grateful for the gift of life since I get to breathe and see sunlight every day up to now. Also, the people around me who always listen to me even if I’m just blabbing random stuff. Lastly, I’m grateful that I saw this post because it reminded me that there are a lot of people to be grateful for.
Yes, there are truly lots to be grateful for. We will never run out of reasons to feel gratitude.
Aww this is so beautiful! Three things I’m grateful for today: 1) Coming across your post (writing this quote down in my planner as an everyday reminder) 2) Checking so many things off my work to do list 3) and of course, another day in the world with family and friends.
That is a wonderful list! :heart:
It’s great to read and hear words of gratefulness. We need to be always reminded to thank the Lord for every chance he give us to live and enjoy life. Today, I am grateful for a long vacant at work because I get to finish a lot of task.
I cannot agree with you more.