Mum’s Two Cents: Keep The Schools Safe For Our Children

mum's two cents, news, Philippines today, current issues, children issues, safety

Have you watched the news lately and started thinking about your child’s safety and security?

The news these days is enough for any parent to worry about their children. The build-up of drug-related crimes involving students and children making the headlines is appalling. It leads anyone to wonder whether both authorities and schools are doing the best they can to make our schools safe.

The administration’s campaign against drugs intensified over the last two years. Many a number of drug peddlers and users have been rounded up. Death tolls related to this campaign also continued to rise. However, syndicates involving drugs are incessant and show no signs of letting up.  The proliferation of illegal drugs into our society seems to show no signs of decreasing, either.

Alarming Drug-Related Crimes Involving Students

mum's two cents, news, Philippines today, current issues, children issues, safety

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Mum Reviews: Dreams To Millions Financial Planner 2019 + A Giveaway

mum reviews, reviews, products and brands, product review, paper products, paper

I received this planner early last month and although I was already set on which planners to use this year {my BDJ Planner for jotting down my and the little man’s schedules, chores, and for planning, and my Mercury Drug Joyful Daybook 2019 for journaling and memory-keeping}, I thought this one will be a great addition to my 2019 arsenal.

What I love about Dreams To Millions Financial Planner 2019

mum reviews, reviews, products and brands, product review, paper products, paper

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Mum Inspires: On Gratitude + Respect Towards Others

These words from the Dalai Lama are so simple yet ring so true. If we, indeed, practice gratitude and thankfulness, we will have a solid sense of respect towards others.

This week I am grateful for:

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