Mum’s Two Cents: Keep The Schools Safe For Our Children

mum's two cents, news, Philippines today, current issues, children issues, safety

Have you watched the news lately and started thinking about your child’s safety and security?

The news these days is enough for any parent to worry about their children. The build-up of drug-related crimes involving students and children making the headlines is appalling. It leads anyone to wonder whether both authorities and schools are doing the best they can to make our schools safe.

The administration’s campaign against drugs intensified over the last two years. Many a number of drug peddlers and users have been rounded up. Death tolls related to this campaign also continued to rise. However, syndicates involving drugs are incessant and show no signs of letting up.  The proliferation of illegal drugs into our society seems to show no signs of decreasing, either.

Alarming Drug-Related Crimes Involving Students

mum's two cents, news, Philippines today, current issues, children issues, safety

Recently a number of drug-related crimes involving students made national headlines.

Two college students were apprehended. They were caught carrying about Php1.5 Million worth of party drugs. These students are reported be graduating  from a prestigious university in Manila.

In another story, elementary school students were caught in possession of about 30 marijuana sachets. They are allegedly using and peddling them at school.

If the schools are implementing measures to keep their campuses drug-free, clearly these are not enough.

NCRPO Chief Proposes Surprise Bag And Locker Inspection In Schools

In light of these events, NCRPO Chief Director Guillermo Eleazar proposes to implement surprise bag and locker inspection in schools. According to Chief Eleazar these surprise inspections will be done by the teachers and not by the police. Of course, the police will aid in apprehending law-breakers and investigating the incidents, should there be reported cases.

Chief Eleazar emphasized that prevention is important. He adds that these surprise inspections will help prevent the Filipino youth from getting involved with illegal drugs.

Involved authorities responded to the proposal with inaction, as well as opposition. They cited these inspections might pave the way in victimizing students. They also reiterated that taking care of children and their privacy is their priority.

Mum’s Two Cents

Some may think that random locker and bag inspection in schools is a violation of student privacy. I personally believe it will be an effective way to make sure our schools stay drug-free. It is essential in making sure schools remain to be safe havens for children. After all, students spend about 7 hours in school each day. It will give parents peace of mind to know that no harm will come to them while they are out to study.

I agree with NCRPO Chief Director Eleazar. In preventing our children from getting mixed up with illegal drugs through these surprise inspections, half the battle will be won.

The best time to make a move is now. The best time to take necessary actions is now. Or do we need to wait until one of children gets caught up with illegal drugs before we do?

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  1. I think this is a good initiative and should be implemented immediately. What is the use of protecting their “privacy” if that same privacy would get them to much worse trouble? If “violating their privacy” would save their lives, then I believe it is worth it.

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