Mum Inspires: Of Gratitude + The Lack Thereof

I have learned about gratitude from my parents, and, later on, the daily practice of it from Oprah Winfrey many years ago. It has enriched my life in more ways than I can imagine, and now that I think about it, I cannot really imagine a life lacking of gratitude. The quote above rings so true. As long as you have gratitude, you will never be lacking or impoverished.

That being said, here is my gratitude list for the past weeks that I was not able to list them down:

:rainbow: afternoon naps and snuggles :heart:
:rainbow: quality time with the family
:rainbow: long convos with a friend from across the miles
:rainbow: binge-watching Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. Season 6 on Netflix
:rainbow: finally done watching Better Call Saul
:rainbow: my new meditation group
:rainbow: upcoming 21-Day Meditation Experience with Deepak and Oprah
:rainbow: spending time outdoors
:rainbow: my colorful tiny blooms greeting me in the morning
:rainbow: surprises in my mailbox although I have been AWOL from postcrossing for quite a while now
:rainbow: the little man almost done with his Second Quarterly Exams
:rainbow: the full moon!
:rainbow: visiting the museum with the family
:rainbow: finally seeing Spoliarium up-close
:rainbow: sunset at Rizal park
:rainbow: being productive at home
:rainbow: my thriving pothos
:rainbow: spending time on my mat
:rainbow: of trees, the great outdoors, and dinosaurs!

What are you grateful for today? :heart:

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