Mum Shares: Stay Home + Add A Splash Of Color To Your Life

While we stay at home to help flatten the curve of this pandemic, we suddenly find ourselves with lots of time in our hands to do the things we could only dream of ~ or used to take for granted. As we wait for the air to clear, we make use of the time we have to learn a new recipe, to work out, to pamper ourselves, or to simply change up our looks. But if you’re too afraid of cutting your hair, why not add a splash of color instead?

announcement, products and brands, health and beauty, hair products, products for women, women products, hair care tips, Life in the time of Covid-19
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Mum Inspires: On Diminishing Fear

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Mum Shares: Novuhair® Boosts Optimism Via Free Workout

Novuhair®, the leading natural hair loss treatment in the Philippines, partnered with The Fit Filipino {FITFIL} Movement lead by Jim & Toni Saret, the brand’s VIP Fitness Coaches, to a FREE 20-day Facebook Live workout aimed at improving your wellness quotient goals through a “Bulletproof Immune System Activity Booster”.

This workout program is designed to help beginners and complement the workout of those with active exercise routines.

announcement, health and wellness, products and brands, mum shares, hair products, natural hair care products, press release, Life in the time of Covid-19

You can still join the program from May 18 until 29 May, 2020. Happening everyday from Monday to Friday at 4pm live on Facebook

Learn more at .

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