Mum Inspires: Of Gratitude + Beauty

Indeed, if we have a grateful heart, life, and everything else around us, becomes even more beautiful.

That being said, here is my gratitude list for the past few weeks:

?my new plant babies

?blooms from my cacti and flowering plants

?spending time with the family

?ticking more items off my to-do list

?surprises in the mail

?$$ opportunities for the blog

?catching up on zzz

?new series to binge watch on Netflix

?dining out for the first time since the pandemic broke

?new leaves unfurling from my Adansonii

?discovering a new hobby and putting it to good use

?the full moon

?catching up on my reading hoping to put a dent on my never-ending to-read pile

?spending time outdoors, albeit for a limited time

?repotting more succies and cacti

?the Gumamela I gave to a mum blogger friend finally bloomed and it has the most beautiful yellow ombre color

?green mangoes from my ever-generous neighbor

?yet another free meditation class

?breathtaking huge white fluffs

What are you grateful for today, mummas!?

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