2017 Reading Challenge: Book 1 ~ Uma Krishnaswami’s Si Tito Libra At Ako

2017 Reading Challenge, books, Reviews, book review, children's books, books for children, reading, mum reads

There is no way I can give up the passion, though, even with time constraints, so every year I set out to read as many books as I can and challenge myself to stick to the goal. Often, I fail on the reading splurge but what’s good is I can always try {and so can you! ;)}. This year, I have no grand plans about reading as many books, though. In fact, I am making it more achievable by aiming to read only 50 books this 2017! If you will do the Math, that’s equivalent to reading 1 book per week.

For my very first read this year, I chose this children’s book which my brother, Ken, bought as gifts for his godchildren for Christmas. One child was not able to get his gift and it left us with the opportunity to open and peruse the book. One page and I am hooked! I read this in one sitting since the book is comprised of only 110 pages!

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