Tips + Tricks: Items that Help To Nurture Communication Skills in Children

Communication skills stand as a cornerstone to nurture a child’s development. Fostering effective communication from an early age not only enriches a child’s social interactions but also lays the foundation for future academic and professional success. Investing in the right tools can play a pivotal role in enhancing these vital skills. Let’s explore five essential items that can contribute significantly to your child’s communication development.

  1. Interactive Books and Storytelling Aids

Immersing a child in the world of interactive books is easily accomplished through online marketplaces and dedicated children’s bookstores. Explore e-commerce platforms and reputable publishers’ websites for a diverse selection, considering customer reviews for informed choices. Once you’ve selected them, ordering is straightforward with reliable delivery services offered by most online bookstores. 

In the case that a specific bookstore doesn’t provide delivery, consider utilizing online platforms like, which offers shipping quotes. This allows you to select the most suitable and cost-effective delivery option, ensuring a convenient and enjoyable experience for both parents and educators alike. With the convenience of doorstep delivery, incorporating interactive books becomes a seamless and accessible part of your child’s learning journey.

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Children: Lice-free Playdays ~ Here are Tips to Make Your Child’s Hair Kuto-Free and Smell Nice!

Play is an important aspect of a child’s life. Whether it’s tumbang preso, luksong tinik, hide-and-seek, or playing house, it’s undeniable that kids just love to play. And it’s even better when they play outdoors!

No matter the weather, playing outside is good for kids. It is an opportunity for them to embark on various adventures, spend quality time with friends, and create the most cherished, fondest childhood memories. Aside from its fun and stress-relieving benefits, playing outdoors is also a way for them to think creatively, interact socially, develop physically, and connect with the environment.  In other words, outdoor play is a way for children to learn.

However, being exposed outdoors also poses harm to our children. In a study conducted by the Pediatric Infectious Diseases Society of the Philippines, over 54.7% of the population of primary school children are infested by head lice, or kuto ~ a tiny parasite that feeds off human blood from the scalp of its host, which renders no benefit but rather pure discomfort, irritability, hassle, and other more serious conditions such as skin infection.

With the goal to continuously raise awareness on head lice infestation issues and promote prevention, Lamoiyan Corporation, maker of Licealiz Head Lice Treatment Shampoo shares tips and hacks to equip moms on how to achieve  kuto-free playdays with their kids!

tips and tricks, children, health and wellness, health, children products, hair products, children health, children issues, products and brands

Minimize Head-to-Head Contact

Head lice do not fly, hop, or jump from one head to another. In fact, their only mode of transmission is through head-to-head contact and the sharing of personal hair accessories according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention {CDC}. During playtime, children may naturally put their heads together, and a good way to minimize these interactions is to put long hair in a ponytail or braid. A small amount of hair spray can also help contain stray hairs. Children can also be taught the importance of privacy and ownership of personal belongings to maintain good hygiene. The best approach to instilling habits in children is to help them understand the underlying reasons ~ making it more likely they will follow through and eventually adopt the habits as their own.

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Parenting 101: 5 Activities To Help Children Cope With The Pandemic

The past year has been one of the most challenging years we have ever had. The Covid-19 pandemic has been difficult to grown-ups and  children alike. The pressure of the quarantine has also taken its toll on our our little ones. It has disrupted their routines in the most profound ways. It has also restricted them from spending time outdoors, which is very essential for growing children.

As we all ride out what hopefully would be the last waves of this health crisis, it is best that we help our children cope well with being cooped up at home for longer periods of time. I have listed a number of activities that would help the little ones thrive and maintin their well-being and good disposition even in this difficult of times.

parenting 101, health and wellness, children, on raising children, reading, online games, free online games, fun activities for children, children issues

Play online games at

Children absolutely love playing online games and they can spend many hours exploring different worlds with different characters. Some would even find new friends through their favorite interactive games. While they do enjoy this activity, it is a must that we let them play only age-appropriate games. Make sure to limit their daily screentime, as well.

If you are looking for a safe space for your children to play online, do check out They have a wide assortment of online games for both seasoned and rookie gamers alike. Our little ones can choose from hundreds of games available and free of charge. These are conveniently categorized by genre, so it is very easy for any child to pick a game. What’s even better is that they also have educational games about Math for younger and older kids. And to top that, they even have Arcade Classics and Cartoon Games, which feature some of my little man’s favorite characters, like The Smurfs, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, and Teen Titans.

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